坐飞机 Taking a Plane


Useful Words      第1 步     熟悉词汇

aeroplane   飞机        airline  航空公司      airliner   班机

airport     机场         flight   航班          ramp    扶梯

pilot      飞行员        airsick   晕机的       landing   着陆

take-off    起飞          airway   航线        tarmac    停机坪

circle      盘旋         terminal   航空站      stewardess   空姐

Useful   Sentences    第2步     牢记句型

Excuse me , could I make a reservation for flight …to …?


What’s the fare to …, economy class ?去……的经济舱票价是多少?

When is the plane boarding ?什么时候登机?

What’s the departure time ? 起飞时间是什么时候?

How much longer does it take to get to …?还有多久到达……?

Will the flight be delayed ?这次航班会延误吗?

1.       Excuse me , could I make a reservation for flight A321 to Washington ?


Hello , I’d like one seat for tomorrow’s American Airlines Flight A321 to Washington , please .


make a reservation   预定

2.       What kind of ticket do you want , first class or economy ?


Will you be traveling first class or economy ? One-way or a round trip ticket ?


Would you like the morning flight , afternoon flight , or red-eye flight ?


first class    头等舱    round trip   往返旅行,双程    red-eye  flight  红眼航班

3.       What’s the fare to New York , economy class ?去纽约的经济票价是多少?

How much money for the economy class to New York ?


How much is it to New York , first class ? 去纽约的头等舱票价是多少?

economy class   经济舱

4.       Where is the check in ? 在哪里办理登机手续?

What time do you start check in ? 你们什么时候开始办理登机手续?

check in   办理登机手续

5.       When is the plane boarding ? 什么时候登机?

Do you know when the plane is boarding ? 你知道什么时候登机吗?

board  v. 上飞机

6.       What’s the departure time ?起飞时间是什么时候?

Could you tell me the departure time ? 能告诉我起飞时间吗?

Would you mind telling me the departure time ?能告诉我起飞时间吗?

departure   n. 出发,离开

7.       How much longer does it take to get to Chicago ?


What time does Flight A321 arrive ?A321次航班什么时候到达?

Will this flight get there on time ? 这次航班会准时到达那里吗?

on time   准时

8.       Will the flight be delayed ? 这次航班会延误吗?

Do you think the flight will be delayed ?你觉得这次航班会延误吗?

Can you tell me whether the flight will be delayed ?


delay  v.  延误,耽搁

9.       Where is the luggage pickup spot ? 行李提取处在哪里?

Where do I have to go to pick up my luggage . 我该在哪里领取行李?

I need my luggage , where can I find it ? 我要领取行李,我在哪里能找到?

pickup   n. 拾起    spot   n. 地点

10.   May I see your passport , please ?请出示您的护照,好吗?

Please show me your passport . 请出示您的护照。

Useful    Conversations     第3步    模仿对话

1.       订机票去芝加哥  Book a Ticket to Chicago

Mary : Hi , I’d like to book a ticket to Chicago for this evening .

John : Sure thing , would you like a window seat or an aisle seat ?

Mary : I’d like an aisle seat near the front .

John : Unfortunately , we only have seats near the back , is that okay with you ?

Mary : That is fine . Also , is there a meal with the flight ?

John : Yes , there is .

玛丽:你好, 我想订一张今天晚上飞往芝加哥的机票。






aisle  n. 通道,过道   unfortunately  adv. 遗憾的是,可惜的是

2.       前往登机门  Head  for the Boarding Gate

Mary : Which way to the boarding gate for my flight ?

John : Let me see your boarding pass please .

Mary : I know . I have to go through security first .

John : Yes , you do . After you go through security you’ll see signs directing you to the proper gate for your flight .

Mary : Thank you , sir . Is there a drinks service on this flight ?

John : Yes , ma’am , there is a drink service every hour on your flight . At the third hour there is a meal service consisting of bread and sandwiches .

Mary : The ticket doesn't mention how long the flight is , however .

John : Tickets won't have that information on them usually . If you want to find out how long it will take to get to Chicago , please ask the flight attendants .









boarding pass  登机证  security  n. 安全      consist  n,   组成

mention  v. 提到,提起       attendant  n. 乘务员

Useful  Paragraph      第4步  诵读短篇

To be so strong nothing can disturb your peace of mind . To talk health , happiness , and prosperity to every person you meet . To make all your friends feel that there is something special in them . To think only of the best , to work only for the best , and to expect only the best .


disturb   v. 打扰    prosperity  n.  兴旺,繁荣   optimism  n. 乐观,乐观主义

Cultural  Background     第5步  了解文化




坐飞机 Taking a Plane


Useful Words      第1 步     熟悉词汇

aeroplane   飞机        airline  航空公司      airliner   班机

airport     机场         flight   航班          ramp    扶梯

pilot      飞行员        airsick   晕机的       landing   着陆

take-off    起飞          airway   航线        tarmac    停机坪

circle      盘旋         terminal   航空站      stewardess   空姐

Useful   Sentences    第2步     牢记句型

Excuse me , could I make a reservation for flight …to …?


What’s the fare to …, economy class ?去……的经济舱票价是多少?

When is the plane boarding ?什么时候登机?

What’s the departure time ? 起飞时间是什么时候?

How much longer does it take to get to …?还有多久到达……?

Will the flight be delayed ?这次航班会延误吗?

1.       Excuse me , could I make a reservation for flight A321 to Washington ?


Hello , I’d like one seat for tomorrow’s American Airlines Flight A321 to Washington , please .


make a reservation   预定

2.       What kind of ticket do you want , first class or economy ?


Will you be traveling first class or economy ? One-way or a round trip ticket ?


Would you like the morning flight , afternoon flight , or red-eye flight ?


first class    头等舱    round trip   往返旅行,双程    red-eye  flight  红眼航班

3.       What’s the fare to New York , economy class ?去纽约的经济票价是多少?

How much money for the economy class to New York ?


How much is it to New York , first class ? 去纽约的头等舱票价是多少?

economy class   经济舱

4.       Where is the check in ? 在哪里办理登机手续?

What time do you start check in ? 你们什么时候开始办理登机手续?

check in   办理登机手续

5.       When is the plane boarding ? 什么时候登机?

Do you know when the plane is boarding ? 你知道什么时候登机吗?

board  v. 上飞机

6.       What’s the departure time ?起飞时间是什么时候?

Could you tell me the departure time ? 能告诉我起飞时间吗?

Would you mind telling me the departure time ?能告诉我起飞时间吗?

departure   n. 出发,离开

7.       How much longer does it take to get to Chicago ?


What time does Flight A321 arrive ?A321次航班什么时候到达?

Will this flight get there on time ? 这次航班会准时到达那里吗?

on time   准时

8.       Will the flight be delayed ? 这次航班会延误吗?

Do you think the flight will be delayed ?你觉得这次航班会延误吗?

Can you tell me whether the flight will be delayed ?


delay  v.  延误,耽搁

9.       Where is the luggage pickup spot ? 行李提取处在哪里?

Where do I have to go to pick up my luggage . 我该在哪里领取行李?

I need my luggage , where can I find it ? 我要领取行李,我在哪里能找到?

pickup   n. 拾起    spot   n. 地点

10.   May I see your passport , please ?请出示您的护照,好吗?

Please show me your passport . 请出示您的护照。

Useful    Conversations     第3步    模仿对话

1.       订机票去芝加哥  Book a Ticket to Chicago

Mary : Hi , I’d like to book a ticket to Chicago for this evening .

John : Sure thing , would you like a window seat or an aisle seat ?

Mary : I’d like an aisle seat near the front .

John : Unfortunately , we only have seats near the back , is that okay with you ?

Mary : That is fine . Also , is there a meal with the flight ?

John : Yes , there is .

玛丽:你好, 我想订一张今天晚上飞往芝加哥的机票。






aisle  n. 通道,过道   unfortunately  adv. 遗憾的是,可惜的是

2.       前往登机门  Head  for the Boarding Gate

Mary : Which way to the boarding gate for my flight ?

John : Let me see your boarding pass please .

Mary : I know . I have to go through security first .

John : Yes , you do . After you go through security you’ll see signs directing you to the proper gate for your flight .

Mary : Thank you , sir . Is there a drinks service on this flight ?

John : Yes , ma’am , there is a drink service every hour on your flight . At the third hour there is a meal service consisting of bread and sandwiches .

Mary : The ticket doesn't mention how long the flight is , however .

John : Tickets won't have that information on them usually . If you want to find out how long it will take to get to Chicago , please ask the flight attendants .









boarding pass  登机证  security  n. 安全      consist  n,   组成

mention  v. 提到,提起       attendant  n. 乘务员

Useful  Paragraph      第4步  诵读短篇

To be so strong nothing can disturb your peace of mind . To talk health , happiness , and prosperity to every person you meet . To make all your friends feel that there is something special in them . To think only of the best , to work only for the best , and to expect only the best .


disturb   v. 打扰    prosperity  n.  兴旺,繁荣   optimism  n. 乐观,乐观主义

Cultural  Background     第5步  了解文化





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