感冒发烧 Suffering from a Cold and Fever


Useful   Words    第1步  熟悉词汇

flu  流感         catch   感染         temperature   体温

thermometer  温度计   influenza  流感    fever    发烧

chilly  寒冷的      sweat  出汗      sneeze  打喷嚏

sniff   抽鼻子     slight  轻微的     nausea   恶心

headache   头痛     cough    咳嗽

Useful   Sentences      第2步    牢记句型

I’ve got a cold . 我感冒了。

I feel like I have a fever . 我感觉我发烧了。

My fever has gone down . 我退烧了。

Let me check your temperature . 我来给你量一下体温吧。

I can't stop coughing . 我不停地咳嗽。

Have you taken any medicine ?


I feel chilly . 我浑身发冷。

I have a stuffy nose . 我鼻子堵了。

1.       I’ve got a cold . 我感冒了。

I have a cold . 我感冒了。

I have a slight cold . 我有点儿感冒。

I’ve got a bad cold . 我感冒很严重。

I caught a cold from you . 你把感冒传染给我了。

2.       I’ve got a temperature . 我发烧了。

I’m running a high fever . 我发高烧。

I have a high temperature . 我在发高烧。

I think I have a fever . 我好像发烧了。

I have a bit of a fever . 我有点儿发烧。

I feel like I have a fever . 我感觉我发烧了。

My fever has gone down .我退烧了。

high fever 高烧    high temperature  高烧

3.       Do you have a fever ? 你发烧了吗?

I feel really warm . Do I have a fever ? 我真觉得挺热的。我是不是发烧了?

4.       Let me check your temperature . 我来给你量一下体温吧。

Sit down and take your temperature . 坐下来量一下体温。

5.       I feel chilly . 我感觉浑身发冷。

I’m trembling with cold . 我冷得全身发抖。

tremble  v. 发抖,哆嗦

6.       I have a stuffy nose . 我鼻子堵了。

I have a runny nose . 我在流鼻涕。

My nose won’t stop running . 我一个劲地流鼻涕。

stuffy  adj. 不通气的      runny   adj. 流鼻涕的

7.       I have a headache . 我头疼。

My head hurts . 我的头很痛。

I’ve got a very bad headache . 我的头很痛。

My head is pounding . 我的头痛得实在厉害。

I have a splitting headache . 我的头像裂了似的疼。

This headache is killing me . 我的头快痛死了。

pound  v. 敲打,猛击    splitting   adj. 爆裂似的,剧烈的

8.       I feel like throwing up . 我想吐。

I feel nauseous . 我感觉恶心。

throw up 呕吐    nauseous  adj. 令人作呕的

9.       I can’t stop coughing . 我不停地咳嗽。

I’ve been coughing day and night . 我没日没夜地咳嗽。

I can’t stop sneezing . 我不停地打喷嚏。

day and night  夜以继日,没日没夜

Useful  Conversations   第3步   模仿对话

1.       我发烧了  I Have a Fever

Nurse : Hi , Can I help you ?

Tom  : I’m not feeling well . I have a fever and a runny nose .

Nurse : Sounds like a cold . Have you taken any medicine ?

Tom  : No , it’s only been 2 days .

Nurse : Okay . I’ll recommend some cold medicine for you . Take it for one week .

Tom  : Thank you .





护士:好的。我建议你吃点感冒药。坚持吃 一周。


2.       重感冒   A Bad Cold

Nurse : Hi , I remember you . What’s wrong this time ?

Tom  : Last week you told me to take some medicine for a cold , but I am still sick .

Nurse : Really ? Did you take the medicine as the box instructed ?

Tom  : Yes , but it’s not helping .

Nurse : I guess I’ll need to prescribe you something stronger to flight off the cold .

Tom  : The fever has gotten worse , too .

Nurse : Here’s the prescription . After you get it filled , go home and rest for a few days .

Tom  : I have to work .

Nurse : I’ll write a note for your boss . If you don’t rest you won’t get better .

Tom  : Okay ,I guess I can take a day or two off .

护士:你好,我记得你。 这次是怎么了?










instruct   v. 说明,指导     prescribe  v.  药方

prescription   n. 药方      take a day or two off  休息一两天

Useful  Paragraph      第4步    诵读短篇

You can find love in a smile or a helping hand , in a thoughtful gesture or a kind world . It is all around , if you just look for it . Give love , for in giving it you will find the power in life along with the joy , happiness , patience , and understanding . Believe in the goodness of others and remember that anger and depression can be countered by love and hope .


Cultural  Background    第5步     了解文化




感冒发烧 Suffering from a Cold and Fever


Useful   Words    第1步  熟悉词汇

flu  流感         catch   感染         temperature   体温

thermometer  温度计   influenza  流感    fever    发烧

chilly  寒冷的      sweat  出汗      sneeze  打喷嚏

sniff   抽鼻子     slight  轻微的     nausea   恶心

headache   头痛     cough    咳嗽

Useful   Sentences      第2步    牢记句型

I’ve got a cold . 我感冒了。

I feel like I have a fever . 我感觉我发烧了。

My fever has gone down . 我退烧了。

Let me check your temperature . 我来给你量一下体温吧。

I can't stop coughing . 我不停地咳嗽。

Have you taken any medicine ?


I feel chilly . 我浑身发冷。

I have a stuffy nose . 我鼻子堵了。

1.       I’ve got a cold . 我感冒了。

I have a cold . 我感冒了。

I have a slight cold . 我有点儿感冒。

I’ve got a bad cold . 我感冒很严重。

I caught a cold from you . 你把感冒传染给我了。

2.       I’ve got a temperature . 我发烧了。

I’m running a high fever . 我发高烧。

I have a high temperature . 我在发高烧。

I think I have a fever . 我好像发烧了。

I have a bit of a fever . 我有点儿发烧。

I feel like I have a fever . 我感觉我发烧了。

My fever has gone down .我退烧了。

high fever 高烧    high temperature  高烧

3.       Do you have a fever ? 你发烧了吗?

I feel really warm . Do I have a fever ? 我真觉得挺热的。我是不是发烧了?

4.       Let me check your temperature . 我来给你量一下体温吧。

Sit down and take your temperature . 坐下来量一下体温。

5.       I feel chilly . 我感觉浑身发冷。

I’m trembling with cold . 我冷得全身发抖。

tremble  v. 发抖,哆嗦

6.       I have a stuffy nose . 我鼻子堵了。

I have a runny nose . 我在流鼻涕。

My nose won’t stop running . 我一个劲地流鼻涕。

stuffy  adj. 不通气的      runny   adj. 流鼻涕的

7.       I have a headache . 我头疼。

My head hurts . 我的头很痛。

I’ve got a very bad headache . 我的头很痛。

My head is pounding . 我的头痛得实在厉害。

I have a splitting headache . 我的头像裂了似的疼。

This headache is killing me . 我的头快痛死了。

pound  v. 敲打,猛击    splitting   adj. 爆裂似的,剧烈的

8.       I feel like throwing up . 我想吐。

I feel nauseous . 我感觉恶心。

throw up 呕吐    nauseous  adj. 令人作呕的

9.       I can’t stop coughing . 我不停地咳嗽。

I’ve been coughing day and night . 我没日没夜地咳嗽。

I can’t stop sneezing . 我不停地打喷嚏。

day and night  夜以继日,没日没夜

Useful  Conversations   第3步   模仿对话

1.       我发烧了  I Have a Fever

Nurse : Hi , Can I help you ?

Tom  : I’m not feeling well . I have a fever and a runny nose .

Nurse : Sounds like a cold . Have you taken any medicine ?

Tom  : No , it’s only been 2 days .

Nurse : Okay . I’ll recommend some cold medicine for you . Take it for one week .

Tom  : Thank you .





护士:好的。我建议你吃点感冒药。坚持吃 一周。


2.       重感冒   A Bad Cold

Nurse : Hi , I remember you . What’s wrong this time ?

Tom  : Last week you told me to take some medicine for a cold , but I am still sick .

Nurse : Really ? Did you take the medicine as the box instructed ?

Tom  : Yes , but it’s not helping .

Nurse : I guess I’ll need to prescribe you something stronger to flight off the cold .

Tom  : The fever has gotten worse , too .

Nurse : Here’s the prescription . After you get it filled , go home and rest for a few days .

Tom  : I have to work .

Nurse : I’ll write a note for your boss . If you don’t rest you won’t get better .

Tom  : Okay ,I guess I can take a day or two off .

护士:你好,我记得你。 这次是怎么了?










instruct   v. 说明,指导     prescribe  v.  药方

prescription   n. 药方      take a day or two off  休息一两天

Useful  Paragraph      第4步    诵读短篇

You can find love in a smile or a helping hand , in a thoughtful gesture or a kind world . It is all around , if you just look for it . Give love , for in giving it you will find the power in life along with the joy , happiness , patience , and understanding . Believe in the goodness of others and remember that anger and depression can be countered by love and hope .


Cultural  Background    第5步     了解文化





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