入住酒店 Hotel Check In


Useful  Words      第1步   熟悉词汇

receptionist  接待员       homey   舒适的       register  登记

queen-size   大号的       check-in   登记入住    luggage   行李

lobby      大堂          stay       暂住        bellboy 行李员

king-size   特大号的       executive    经营的     standard  标准的

deluxe     豪华的         superior    高级的      identification   身份证明

Useful  Sentences     第2步    牢记句型

Hi there . I’d like to check in to the room I reserved .你好,我想登记入住我预订的房间。

Would you please fill in this registration form ?请您填写一下这张登记表,好吗?

I have a reservation under the name of ……我有预订,名字是……

Your room number is ……您的房间号是……

How does this room suit you ?这个房间合你的意吗?

I’m afraid you can't check in until after 5 p.m. 恐怕您只能在下午五点以后才能入住。

1.       Hi there , I’d like to check in to the room I reserved .


Hello . I’m checking into a room . 你好,我是来登记入住客房的。

We’d like to check in to our room ,please . 我们想登记入住我们的房间。

2.       Hello , Can I see some ID? 你好,能让我看看身份证明吗?

May I see your identification , please ?我可以看看您的身份证明吗?

Give me your ID and I’ll see what room you have .


3.       Would you please fill in this registration form ?请您填写一下这张登记表,好吗?

Will you please fill in the registration form of the hotel ?


fill in 填写

4.       I have a reservation under the name of Bonnie Green .我有预订,名字是邦妮.格林。

We do have a reservation for you . 我们这儿是有您预订的房间。

under the name of 以……名义

5.       Your room number is 1105 . 您的房间号码是1105 。

Your room number is 304 , on the third floor . 您的放号是304 , 在3楼。

Your room is on the 7th floor and on the left . Room 701 .


6.       How does this room suit you ?这个房间合你的意吗?

Is this room comfortable for you ?这个房间舒服吗?

comfortable   adj. 舒适的

7.       Here is your room card . 这是您的房卡。

I’ll give you two room keys . 我会给您两套房间钥匙。

Here’s your keycard . Just swipe it to unlock the door .给你门卡。刷一下就能把门打开了。

swipe  v. 刷卡

8.       I’m afraid you can’t check in until after 5 o’clock p.m. 恐怕您只能在下午五点以后才能入住。

Our check-in time is 12 o’clock noon , I’m afraid we have no vacant rooms now . Would you mind waiting until then ?我们登记入住的时间是中午12 点,恐怕现在没有空房,烦请您等到那时好吗?

vacant  adj. 空的

Useful  Conversations        第3步   模仿对话

1.       不错的房间  A Nice Room

Mary : This room is nice and quiet . I like how it is next to a beautiful courtyard .

John : Yeah , me too . I think it’s a bit small though .

Mary : Agreed , but for the price they gave us it’s pretty good ,no ?

John : It’s great , just great . I wonder if the bathroom has a tub so I can bathe .

Mary :Sure does , what a great deal !






tub  n. 浴盆      bathe  v. 洗澡

2.       房间漏水   A  Small Leak in the Room

Mary : I wonder if there is a way I can call the front desk about getting a problem fixed .

John : What’s wrong ? I thought this room is all fine .

Mary : It is , but there is a small leak in the corner there above the table . It’s driving me crazy.

John : Oh , don’t worry about it too much , it’ll probably disappear as the rain stops .

Mary : You’re right . Here , I’ll just put this bowl underneath it to catch the water .

John : Is there a fridge with food in here somewhere ?

Mary : Yeah , it’s under the cabinet with the safe for our passports .

John : Oh , wow , it has a lot of great stuff in here . Drinks are here too !

Mary : I wouldn’t eat it though , each item costs an extra $2~$5.










front desk 前台      drive  sb. crazy   让某人发疯       disappear v. 消失

underneath   prep. 在……的下面      fridge  n. 电冰箱     safe  n. 保险箱

Useful  Paragraph         第4步    诵读短篇

Love is the best nourishment of life ; even if it is just one ladleful of clear water , it can make the tree of live thrive . Maybe that tree is inconspicuous ; perhaps that the tree is so thin , and even some withered , but as long as there is nourishment of love , it can grow flourish and even grow into towering trees .


nourishment  n. 营养     ladleful  n. 一满勺,一勺的量      inconspicuous  不起眼的

wither  v. 枯萎 ,凋谢      towering  adj. 高耸的

Cultural Background      第5步  了解文化

在美国,入住酒店住宿时需要注意一下几个问题:1. 酒店的入住时间一般为下午2点,退房时间为中午12点以前,超时需要加收费用。2. 酒店内一般不提供牙膏、牙刷、梳子、拖鞋、剃须刀等个人物品,请您自备上述物品。3. 酒店冷水龙头的自来水可直接饮用,水龙头的热水不能直接饮用。4. 酒店提供免费和收费电视。观看收费闭路电视前或使用电视互联网前先请查阅费用说明再作决定。5. 酒店客房内的电话拨打外线均需收费,此费用比较昂贵,建议在当地购买电话卡使用。



入住酒店 Hotel Check In


Useful  Words      第1步   熟悉词汇

receptionist  接待员       homey   舒适的       register  登记

queen-size   大号的       check-in   登记入住    luggage   行李

lobby      大堂          stay       暂住        bellboy 行李员

king-size   特大号的       executive    经营的     standard  标准的

deluxe     豪华的         superior    高级的      identification   身份证明

Useful  Sentences     第2步    牢记句型

Hi there . I’d like to check in to the room I reserved .你好,我想登记入住我预订的房间。

Would you please fill in this registration form ?请您填写一下这张登记表,好吗?

I have a reservation under the name of ……我有预订,名字是……

Your room number is ……您的房间号是……

How does this room suit you ?这个房间合你的意吗?

I’m afraid you can't check in until after 5 p.m. 恐怕您只能在下午五点以后才能入住。

1.       Hi there , I’d like to check in to the room I reserved .


Hello . I’m checking into a room . 你好,我是来登记入住客房的。

We’d like to check in to our room ,please . 我们想登记入住我们的房间。

2.       Hello , Can I see some ID? 你好,能让我看看身份证明吗?

May I see your identification , please ?我可以看看您的身份证明吗?

Give me your ID and I’ll see what room you have .


3.       Would you please fill in this registration form ?请您填写一下这张登记表,好吗?

Will you please fill in the registration form of the hotel ?


fill in 填写

4.       I have a reservation under the name of Bonnie Green .我有预订,名字是邦妮.格林。

We do have a reservation for you . 我们这儿是有您预订的房间。

under the name of 以……名义

5.       Your room number is 1105 . 您的房间号码是1105 。

Your room number is 304 , on the third floor . 您的放号是304 , 在3楼。

Your room is on the 7th floor and on the left . Room 701 .


6.       How does this room suit you ?这个房间合你的意吗?

Is this room comfortable for you ?这个房间舒服吗?

comfortable   adj. 舒适的

7.       Here is your room card . 这是您的房卡。

I’ll give you two room keys . 我会给您两套房间钥匙。

Here’s your keycard . Just swipe it to unlock the door .给你门卡。刷一下就能把门打开了。

swipe  v. 刷卡

8.       I’m afraid you can’t check in until after 5 o’clock p.m. 恐怕您只能在下午五点以后才能入住。

Our check-in time is 12 o’clock noon , I’m afraid we have no vacant rooms now . Would you mind waiting until then ?我们登记入住的时间是中午12 点,恐怕现在没有空房,烦请您等到那时好吗?

vacant  adj. 空的

Useful  Conversations        第3步   模仿对话

1.       不错的房间  A Nice Room

Mary : This room is nice and quiet . I like how it is next to a beautiful courtyard .

John : Yeah , me too . I think it’s a bit small though .

Mary : Agreed , but for the price they gave us it’s pretty good ,no ?

John : It’s great , just great . I wonder if the bathroom has a tub so I can bathe .

Mary :Sure does , what a great deal !






tub  n. 浴盆      bathe  v. 洗澡

2.       房间漏水   A  Small Leak in the Room

Mary : I wonder if there is a way I can call the front desk about getting a problem fixed .

John : What’s wrong ? I thought this room is all fine .

Mary : It is , but there is a small leak in the corner there above the table . It’s driving me crazy.

John : Oh , don’t worry about it too much , it’ll probably disappear as the rain stops .

Mary : You’re right . Here , I’ll just put this bowl underneath it to catch the water .

John : Is there a fridge with food in here somewhere ?

Mary : Yeah , it’s under the cabinet with the safe for our passports .

John : Oh , wow , it has a lot of great stuff in here . Drinks are here too !

Mary : I wouldn’t eat it though , each item costs an extra $2~$5.










front desk 前台      drive  sb. crazy   让某人发疯       disappear v. 消失

underneath   prep. 在……的下面      fridge  n. 电冰箱     safe  n. 保险箱

Useful  Paragraph         第4步    诵读短篇

Love is the best nourishment of life ; even if it is just one ladleful of clear water , it can make the tree of live thrive . Maybe that tree is inconspicuous ; perhaps that the tree is so thin , and even some withered , but as long as there is nourishment of love , it can grow flourish and even grow into towering trees .


nourishment  n. 营养     ladleful  n. 一满勺,一勺的量      inconspicuous  不起眼的

wither  v. 枯萎 ,凋谢      towering  adj. 高耸的

Cultural Background      第5步  了解文化

在美国,入住酒店住宿时需要注意一下几个问题:1. 酒店的入住时间一般为下午2点,退房时间为中午12点以前,超时需要加收费用。2. 酒店内一般不提供牙膏、牙刷、梳子、拖鞋、剃须刀等个人物品,请您自备上述物品。3. 酒店冷水龙头的自来水可直接饮用,水龙头的热水不能直接饮用。4. 酒店提供免费和收费电视。观看收费闭路电视前或使用电视互联网前先请查阅费用说明再作决定。5. 酒店客房内的电话拨打外线均需收费,此费用比较昂贵,建议在当地购买电话卡使用。




上一篇:考试测试 Tests 下一篇:酒店预订 Hotel Reservation
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