初进校园 Entering the Campus


Useful  Words    第1步  熟悉词汇

university    大学      campus  校园      academy   专科学院

faculty       系        playground  操场    college    学院

classroom    教室      institute    学院     canteen  食堂

laboratory   实验室     kindergarten  幼儿园   auditorium  礼堂

primary     初等的     gymnasium    体育馆   amphitheater  阶梯教室

Useful  Sentences      第2步  牢记句型

Would you show me around the campus ?你愿意带我在学校四处逛逛吗?

Where is the dormitory for freshmen students ?新生宿舍在哪里?

What’s the building over there ?那边那栋是什么楼啊?

What year are you ?你是几年级的?

Do you know anything about this professor ? Is he any good ?


How can I check who my tutor is ?我怎么查看我的导师是谁呢?

1.       Would you show me around the campus ?你愿意带我在学校四处逛逛吗?

Show sb. around 带某人参观

2.       Where is the campus cafeteria ?校园的食堂在哪里?

What are the places to eat at on campus ?学校哪些地方可以吃饭啊?

3.       What’s the building over there ?那边那栋是什么楼啊?

It’s the laboratory building . 是实验楼。

4.       Could you tell me where the science building is ?你能告诉我科教楼在哪儿吗?

I’m looking for the math building . Do you know where it is ?


5.       There’s a dining hall , and some coffee shops around .


Dining hall 餐厅,食堂

6.       What year are you ?你是几年级的?

This is my first year , actually . 事实上,我上大一。

I’m a freshman . 我是大一的学生。/ I’m a sophomore .我是大二的学生。

I’m a junior  我是大三的学生。/ I’m a senior . 我是大四的学生。

freshman  n. 大一新生     sophomore  n. 大二学生

junior     n. 大三学生      senior     n. 毕业班学生

7.       How nice the classroom is ! 教室真漂亮啊!

The building in the campus are a bit old-fashioned .


Old-fashioned   adj. 老式的,过时的

8.       I need to get to the admissions office before five o’clock .


The admissions office 招生办公室

9.       Have you ever had Professor Smith ? Is he good ?


Do you know anything about this professor ? Is he any good ?


10.   Do you know how to check who your tutor is ?


tutor   n. 导师

11.   I have to go to the orientation this evening .今天晚上我得去迎新会。

orientation  n. 情况介绍

Useful Conversations       第3步   模仿对话

1.       新生宿舍   The Dormitory for Freshmen Students

Jane    : Hello . Where is the dormitory for freshmen students ?

Stranger : It is building No. 25 on the campus map . See right there ?

Jane    : Yes , I see . It is not far from here .

Stranger : No ,it’s only a 10 minute walk , go west for two blocks .

Jane    : Thanks , I appreciate your help .

Stranger : No problem , I was a freshman once too .

简    :你好,请问新生宿舍在哪里?


简    :嗯,看到了。离这儿不远了。


简    :谢谢,非常感谢您的帮助。


Dormitory  n. 宿舍

2.       明天注册  Registration Begins Tomorrow

Jane    : Hi . How do I find the entrance to the college campus ?

Stranger : There are two entrances , the north and south gates . Which one would you like to go to ?

Jane    : I am looking for the administration building to register for classes this semester . Is the administration building closer to the north gate or south gate ?

Stranger : It is closer to the south gate , so you should continue walking straight and at the third intersection the south gate will be on your right . But registration begins tomorrow.

Jane    : Really ? I must have gotten the dates mixed up .

Stranger : Yes , if you are a new student you will register tomorrow .

Jane    : Okay . Thanks for your help !

Stranger : It was my pleasure.

简    :您好。请问我怎么才能找到校门?


简    :我要去行政大楼注册这学期的课程。行政大楼距离北门近,还是南门近?


简    :是吗?我一定是把时间记混了。


简    :好的。谢谢你的帮助!


entrance  n. 入口       administration building  行政大楼      register  v. 注册

semester  n. 学期       intersection   n. 交叉口             mix up   混淆,弄混

Useful  Paragraph     第4步   诵读短篇

No matter how cruel the destiny treats one with tribulation and misfortune , it will correspondingly treat him with happiness and sweetness . Even if the happiness is short and false , it’s enough to light up the whole future life .


cruel  adj. 残酷的,残忍的       destiny  n. 命运

tribulation   n. 苦难,灾难       correspondingly     adv.  相应地

Cultural  Background     第五步     了解文化

美国的大学采用名副其实的学分制。学员每成功修完一门课程便得到若干学分,当考取到足够的学分便可毕业,至于毕业所需学分多少则视个别院校的规定,但一般需要120至140个学分不等。由于学分制度关系,美国大学的修业期是没有一定期限的,学员可以在三四年间取得学位资格,也可于十年内完成其大学课程。在学分制的影响下,办理入学申请手续在时间上也具有弹性,有意去美国留学的学生可以在一月、六月、七月及九月申请入读,当然,这也视各院校规而定。美国大学生是根据其考取的学分去区分身份,初入学者至考取24个学分的学员被称为Freshman , 取得25到55个学分便属于Sophomore , 56至89个学分者称为Junior , 而90个学分或以上则属于Senior 。



初进校园 Entering the Campus


Useful  Words    第1步  熟悉词汇

university    大学      campus  校园      academy   专科学院

faculty       系        playground  操场    college    学院

classroom    教室      institute    学院     canteen  食堂

laboratory   实验室     kindergarten  幼儿园   auditorium  礼堂

primary     初等的     gymnasium    体育馆   amphitheater  阶梯教室

Useful  Sentences      第2步  牢记句型

Would you show me around the campus ?你愿意带我在学校四处逛逛吗?

Where is the dormitory for freshmen students ?新生宿舍在哪里?

What’s the building over there ?那边那栋是什么楼啊?

What year are you ?你是几年级的?

Do you know anything about this professor ? Is he any good ?


How can I check who my tutor is ?我怎么查看我的导师是谁呢?

1.       Would you show me around the campus ?你愿意带我在学校四处逛逛吗?

Show sb. around 带某人参观

2.       Where is the campus cafeteria ?校园的食堂在哪里?

What are the places to eat at on campus ?学校哪些地方可以吃饭啊?

3.       What’s the building over there ?那边那栋是什么楼啊?

It’s the laboratory building . 是实验楼。

4.       Could you tell me where the science building is ?你能告诉我科教楼在哪儿吗?

I’m looking for the math building . Do you know where it is ?


5.       There’s a dining hall , and some coffee shops around .


Dining hall 餐厅,食堂

6.       What year are you ?你是几年级的?

This is my first year , actually . 事实上,我上大一。

I’m a freshman . 我是大一的学生。/ I’m a sophomore .我是大二的学生。

I’m a junior  我是大三的学生。/ I’m a senior . 我是大四的学生。

freshman  n. 大一新生     sophomore  n. 大二学生

junior     n. 大三学生      senior     n. 毕业班学生

7.       How nice the classroom is ! 教室真漂亮啊!

The building in the campus are a bit old-fashioned .


Old-fashioned   adj. 老式的,过时的

8.       I need to get to the admissions office before five o’clock .


The admissions office 招生办公室

9.       Have you ever had Professor Smith ? Is he good ?


Do you know anything about this professor ? Is he any good ?


10.   Do you know how to check who your tutor is ?


tutor   n. 导师

11.   I have to go to the orientation this evening .今天晚上我得去迎新会。

orientation  n. 情况介绍

Useful Conversations       第3步   模仿对话

1.       新生宿舍   The Dormitory for Freshmen Students

Jane    : Hello . Where is the dormitory for freshmen students ?

Stranger : It is building No. 25 on the campus map . See right there ?

Jane    : Yes , I see . It is not far from here .

Stranger : No ,it’s only a 10 minute walk , go west for two blocks .

Jane    : Thanks , I appreciate your help .

Stranger : No problem , I was a freshman once too .

简    :你好,请问新生宿舍在哪里?


简    :嗯,看到了。离这儿不远了。


简    :谢谢,非常感谢您的帮助。


Dormitory  n. 宿舍

2.       明天注册  Registration Begins Tomorrow

Jane    : Hi . How do I find the entrance to the college campus ?

Stranger : There are two entrances , the north and south gates . Which one would you like to go to ?

Jane    : I am looking for the administration building to register for classes this semester . Is the administration building closer to the north gate or south gate ?

Stranger : It is closer to the south gate , so you should continue walking straight and at the third intersection the south gate will be on your right . But registration begins tomorrow.

Jane    : Really ? I must have gotten the dates mixed up .

Stranger : Yes , if you are a new student you will register tomorrow .

Jane    : Okay . Thanks for your help !

Stranger : It was my pleasure.

简    :您好。请问我怎么才能找到校门?


简    :我要去行政大楼注册这学期的课程。行政大楼距离北门近,还是南门近?


简    :是吗?我一定是把时间记混了。


简    :好的。谢谢你的帮助!


entrance  n. 入口       administration building  行政大楼      register  v. 注册

semester  n. 学期       intersection   n. 交叉口             mix up   混淆,弄混

Useful  Paragraph     第4步   诵读短篇

No matter how cruel the destiny treats one with tribulation and misfortune , it will correspondingly treat him with happiness and sweetness . Even if the happiness is short and false , it’s enough to light up the whole future life .


cruel  adj. 残酷的,残忍的       destiny  n. 命运

tribulation   n. 苦难,灾难       correspondingly     adv.  相应地

Cultural  Background     第五步     了解文化

美国的大学采用名副其实的学分制。学员每成功修完一门课程便得到若干学分,当考取到足够的学分便可毕业,至于毕业所需学分多少则视个别院校的规定,但一般需要120至140个学分不等。由于学分制度关系,美国大学的修业期是没有一定期限的,学员可以在三四年间取得学位资格,也可于十年内完成其大学课程。在学分制的影响下,办理入学申请手续在时间上也具有弹性,有意去美国留学的学生可以在一月、六月、七月及九月申请入读,当然,这也视各院校规而定。美国大学生是根据其考取的学分去区分身份,初入学者至考取24个学分的学员被称为Freshman , 取得25到55个学分便属于Sophomore , 56至89个学分者称为Junior , 而90个学分或以上则属于Senior 。




上一篇:考试测试 Tests 下一篇:学校课程 Curriculum
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