调班加班 Shifts and Overwork


Useful  Words         第1 步   熟悉词汇

complete    完成        task    工作        overtime    加班

shift     轮班            cooperate  合作     workload   工作量

exchange    交换         switch    转换      workaholic    工作狂

complain  抱怨           substitute    代替     colleague    同事

initiative    主动性        coworker    同事

Useful   Sentences     第2 步    牢记句型

I have to work overtime today . 我今天得加班。

I’m working late tonight . 我今晚得工作到很晚。

I have to work overtime today to get it done . 我要加班才能把这些做完。

Will I get paid extra if I stay late ?我加班有加班费吗?

Could you take t shift from me ?你能替我个班吗?

Can I change the shift with you ?我可以和你换班吗?

1.       I have to work overtime today . 我今天得加班。

I must work overtime today .我今天必须加班。

2.       I’ve got so much to do . 我有好多事要做。

I have many things to do . 我有好多事要做。

3.       I have to work late tonight ! 我今晚得工作到很晚!

I’m working late tonight .我今晚要工作到很晚。

4.       I have to work overtime today to get it done . 我要加班才能把这做完。

If I work overtime . I think I can finish it . 我如果加班的话,我想我能完成。

5.       I’ll work overtime this Saturday .我这周六要加班。

I must work overtime this Saturday .我这周六要加班。

6.       Will I get paid extra if I stay late ?我加班有加班费吗?

Will I be paid more than usual for staying later ?我加班晚的话,工作会比平时多吗?

7.       Hey Jack , got any shifts I can take ?嘿,杰克,我能换班吗?

Could you take a shift from me ?你能帮我替个班吗?

Would you like to cover me on Friday ?你周五能不能帮我代班、

8.       Can I change the shift with you ?我可以和你换班吗?

Would you like to change the shift with me ?你愿意和我换班吗?

How about we change shifts ?我们换班怎么样?

9.       I switched with Bob .我跟鲍勃换班了。

I change shifts with Bob .我跟鲍勃换班了。

Useful Conversations      第3步    模仿对话

1.       加班  Work  Overtime

Jimmy: I have had enough ! This is the third week in a row that work is having me work overtime .

Kevin : You must be tired ! I bet you are making good money though .

Jimmy : Yes , the money is nice , but it hardly seems worth it when I’m at work all the time . I haven’t even had time to play piano recently .

Kevin ; That’s too bad .





2.       调班    Change the Shift

Dan   : Hey , Britney , did you get your schedule for next week ?

Britney : Yes , I saw it posted in the lunchroom . Why ?

Dan   : I was hoping you could take a couple of my shifts . My friend is coming in from out of town and I want to be able to spend time with him .

Britney : Oh , I wish I could , Dan . I’m already working 35 hours though . I know that is I work any more hours they'll have to pay me overtime wages and I doubt the boss would approve .

Dan   : Oh , of course . Do you know of anyone else who is looking for more hours ?

Britney : You could ask Janelle . I know she has only been getting one or two shifts a week .

丹    :嘿,布兰妮,你知道下周的日程安排了吗?


丹    :我希望你能跟我调几个班。我的朋友从外地过来,我想花点时间陪陪他。


丹    :哦,确实是。你知道还有谁想多上一些班吗?


lunchroom     n. 学校或工厂的餐厅

Useful   Paragraph      第4步    诵读短篇

Some people insist that only today and tomorrow matter . But how much poorer we would be if we really lived by that rule ! So much of what we do today is frivolous and futile and soon forgotten . So much of what we hope to do tomorrow never happens .


frivolous   adj. 轻率的      futile   adj. 无用的

Cultural  Background       第5步   了解文化




调班加班 Shifts and Overwork


Useful  Words         第1 步   熟悉词汇

complete    完成        task    工作        overtime    加班

shift     轮班            cooperate  合作     workload   工作量

exchange    交换         switch    转换      workaholic    工作狂

complain  抱怨           substitute    代替     colleague    同事

initiative    主动性        coworker    同事

Useful   Sentences     第2 步    牢记句型

I have to work overtime today . 我今天得加班。

I’m working late tonight . 我今晚得工作到很晚。

I have to work overtime today to get it done . 我要加班才能把这些做完。

Will I get paid extra if I stay late ?我加班有加班费吗?

Could you take t shift from me ?你能替我个班吗?

Can I change the shift with you ?我可以和你换班吗?

1.       I have to work overtime today . 我今天得加班。

I must work overtime today .我今天必须加班。

2.       I’ve got so much to do . 我有好多事要做。

I have many things to do . 我有好多事要做。

3.       I have to work late tonight ! 我今晚得工作到很晚!

I’m working late tonight .我今晚要工作到很晚。

4.       I have to work overtime today to get it done . 我要加班才能把这做完。

If I work overtime . I think I can finish it . 我如果加班的话,我想我能完成。

5.       I’ll work overtime this Saturday .我这周六要加班。

I must work overtime this Saturday .我这周六要加班。

6.       Will I get paid extra if I stay late ?我加班有加班费吗?

Will I be paid more than usual for staying later ?我加班晚的话,工作会比平时多吗?

7.       Hey Jack , got any shifts I can take ?嘿,杰克,我能换班吗?

Could you take a shift from me ?你能帮我替个班吗?

Would you like to cover me on Friday ?你周五能不能帮我代班、

8.       Can I change the shift with you ?我可以和你换班吗?

Would you like to change the shift with me ?你愿意和我换班吗?

How about we change shifts ?我们换班怎么样?

9.       I switched with Bob .我跟鲍勃换班了。

I change shifts with Bob .我跟鲍勃换班了。

Useful Conversations      第3步    模仿对话

1.       加班  Work  Overtime

Jimmy: I have had enough ! This is the third week in a row that work is having me work overtime .

Kevin : You must be tired ! I bet you are making good money though .

Jimmy : Yes , the money is nice , but it hardly seems worth it when I’m at work all the time . I haven’t even had time to play piano recently .

Kevin ; That’s too bad .





2.       调班    Change the Shift

Dan   : Hey , Britney , did you get your schedule for next week ?

Britney : Yes , I saw it posted in the lunchroom . Why ?

Dan   : I was hoping you could take a couple of my shifts . My friend is coming in from out of town and I want to be able to spend time with him .

Britney : Oh , I wish I could , Dan . I’m already working 35 hours though . I know that is I work any more hours they'll have to pay me overtime wages and I doubt the boss would approve .

Dan   : Oh , of course . Do you know of anyone else who is looking for more hours ?

Britney : You could ask Janelle . I know she has only been getting one or two shifts a week .

丹    :嘿,布兰妮,你知道下周的日程安排了吗?


丹    :我希望你能跟我调几个班。我的朋友从外地过来,我想花点时间陪陪他。


丹    :哦,确实是。你知道还有谁想多上一些班吗?


lunchroom     n. 学校或工厂的餐厅

Useful   Paragraph      第4步    诵读短篇

Some people insist that only today and tomorrow matter . But how much poorer we would be if we really lived by that rule ! So much of what we do today is frivolous and futile and soon forgotten . So much of what we hope to do tomorrow never happens .


frivolous   adj. 轻率的      futile   adj. 无用的

Cultural  Background       第5步   了解文化





上一篇:请假 Taking a Leave 下一篇:在图书馆 At the Library
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