升职加薪 Promotion and Getting a Raise


Useful  Words     第1步  熟悉词汇

effort  努力       reward   奖赏        salary   薪金

earn   挣得       promote   提升       wage   工资

payroll  工资表    raise     增加         income   收入

evaluate  评估     advance    进展       allowance   津贴

bonus    奖金     progress    进步       hardworking   努力工作的

Useful   Sentences     第2步   牢记句型

We’d like to talk to you about …我们想跟你谈谈关于……的事。

I want to have a change to get …我希望有机会得到……

We’ve decided to promote you to …我们决定提升你做……

Do you have time to talk with me about my current salary ?你有时间和我谈谈我现在的薪水问题吗?

Does this promotion come with a raise ?这次升职后,工资会涨吗?

1.       We’d like to talk to you about a promotion. 我们想跟你谈谈关于升职的事。

I would like a chance to talk to you about being promoted .我先找机会跟你谈谈关于升职的事。

2.       I would like to have a chance to get ahead .我希望有机会升职。

I want to have a chance to get a promotion .我希望有机会得到提升。

Get ahead  获得成功,取得进步。

3.       We’ve decided to promote you to a manager .我们决定提升你做经理。

You could get promoted to a manager .你会得到提升做经理。

4.       You’re up for a promotion !你要升职了!

I was promoted after only one year’s working in this company .


5.       Did you get the position you wanted >?你得到你想要的职位了吗?

Have you gotten the post you wanted ?你已经得到你想要的职位了吗?

We think you’re the man for this job !我们认为你是这份工作的最佳人选!

6.       I’d like to have a chance for a pay raise .我希望有机会加薪。

I would like to ask you for a raise .我想要求加薪。

I want to have a chance to get a pay raise .我希望有机会得到加薪。

7.       Do you have time to talk with me about my current salary ?


Would you like to talk about my current salary with me ?


8.       Does this promotion come with a raise ?这次升职后,工资会涨吗?

Will I also be receiving a raise ?我的工资也会涨吗?

Will I be able to achieve a raise , also ?我的工资也会涨吗?

achieve  v. 达到,完成

9.       I want to get a 10% pay raise .我想要加薪10%。

I’d like to have a 10% pay raise .我想要加薪10%。

Useful  Conversation      第3步    模仿对话

1.       要自信    To Be Confident

Rebecca : Are you nervous about your annual review ?

Alan   ; No , not really . I know that I have worked really hard and hit all of my performance goals . I’m just excited to talk about getting a raise .

Rebecca : I wish I was as confident as you ! I think with you performance you will definitely get a raise .

Alan    : Thanks , I sure hope so .


艾伦  :不,不太紧张。我知道我已经非常努力了,也达到了所有的业绩目标。我现在只是一谈到加薪,就会激动。

丽贝卡:我希望我 也想你一样自信!我认为你的表现一定会加薪的。

艾伦  :谢谢,我也特别希望如此。

nervous  adj. 紧张的     annual review   年度审查     definitely   adv.  肯定地

2.       职位提拔   A Promotion

Harry : Linda , thanks for taking the time to talk to me today .

Linda ; Sure thing , Harry . What ‘s up ?

Harry:Well , I have been talking to the other mangers and we are all very pleased with your work . We would like to offer you a promotion to assistant manger . This job comes with more hours , more responsibility , and of course , a pay raise .

Linda : Wow , that sounds great . How many hours would it require ? I’m nervous that working too much will interfere with my studies .

Harry :That’s a good point . You would need to work about 20 hours a week but we can be flexible with the schedule so that you have time to go to class and study .

Linda : That sounds like something I could do .







assistant manager   经理助理      responsibility   n. 职责 责任

interfere   妨碍,打扰     flexible   灵活的,弹性的

Useful   Paragraph       第4步     诵读短篇

I will act now . When the lion is hungry he eats . When the eagle has thirst he drinks . Lest

they act , both will perish . I hunger for success . I thirst for happiness and peace of mind . Lest I

act I will obey mine own command . I will act now . Success will not wait . If I delay she will

become betrothed to another and lost to me forever . This is the time . This is the place . I am the

man . I will act now .





perish  v. 丧生,毁灭     misery  n. 痛苦,苦恼     command   v. 命令

obey  v,  服从,听从     betrothed  adj.  已订婚的

Cultural   Background     第5步   了解文化









升职加薪 Promotion and Getting a Raise


Useful  Words     第1步  熟悉词汇

effort  努力       reward   奖赏        salary   薪金

earn   挣得       promote   提升       wage   工资

payroll  工资表    raise     增加         income   收入

evaluate  评估     advance    进展       allowance   津贴

bonus    奖金     progress    进步       hardworking   努力工作的

Useful   Sentences     第2步   牢记句型

We’d like to talk to you about …我们想跟你谈谈关于……的事。

I want to have a change to get …我希望有机会得到……

We’ve decided to promote you to …我们决定提升你做……

Do you have time to talk with me about my current salary ?你有时间和我谈谈我现在的薪水问题吗?

Does this promotion come with a raise ?这次升职后,工资会涨吗?

1.       We’d like to talk to you about a promotion. 我们想跟你谈谈关于升职的事。

I would like a chance to talk to you about being promoted .我先找机会跟你谈谈关于升职的事。

2.       I would like to have a chance to get ahead .我希望有机会升职。

I want to have a chance to get a promotion .我希望有机会得到提升。

Get ahead  获得成功,取得进步。

3.       We’ve decided to promote you to a manager .我们决定提升你做经理。

You could get promoted to a manager .你会得到提升做经理。

4.       You’re up for a promotion !你要升职了!

I was promoted after only one year’s working in this company .


5.       Did you get the position you wanted >?你得到你想要的职位了吗?

Have you gotten the post you wanted ?你已经得到你想要的职位了吗?

We think you’re the man for this job !我们认为你是这份工作的最佳人选!

6.       I’d like to have a chance for a pay raise .我希望有机会加薪。

I would like to ask you for a raise .我想要求加薪。

I want to have a chance to get a pay raise .我希望有机会得到加薪。

7.       Do you have time to talk with me about my current salary ?


Would you like to talk about my current salary with me ?


8.       Does this promotion come with a raise ?这次升职后,工资会涨吗?

Will I also be receiving a raise ?我的工资也会涨吗?

Will I be able to achieve a raise , also ?我的工资也会涨吗?

achieve  v. 达到,完成

9.       I want to get a 10% pay raise .我想要加薪10%。

I’d like to have a 10% pay raise .我想要加薪10%。

Useful  Conversation      第3步    模仿对话

1.       要自信    To Be Confident

Rebecca : Are you nervous about your annual review ?

Alan   ; No , not really . I know that I have worked really hard and hit all of my performance goals . I’m just excited to talk about getting a raise .

Rebecca : I wish I was as confident as you ! I think with you performance you will definitely get a raise .

Alan    : Thanks , I sure hope so .


艾伦  :不,不太紧张。我知道我已经非常努力了,也达到了所有的业绩目标。我现在只是一谈到加薪,就会激动。

丽贝卡:我希望我 也想你一样自信!我认为你的表现一定会加薪的。

艾伦  :谢谢,我也特别希望如此。

nervous  adj. 紧张的     annual review   年度审查     definitely   adv.  肯定地

2.       职位提拔   A Promotion

Harry : Linda , thanks for taking the time to talk to me today .

Linda ; Sure thing , Harry . What ‘s up ?

Harry:Well , I have been talking to the other mangers and we are all very pleased with your work . We would like to offer you a promotion to assistant manger . This job comes with more hours , more responsibility , and of course , a pay raise .

Linda : Wow , that sounds great . How many hours would it require ? I’m nervous that working too much will interfere with my studies .

Harry :That’s a good point . You would need to work about 20 hours a week but we can be flexible with the schedule so that you have time to go to class and study .

Linda : That sounds like something I could do .







assistant manager   经理助理      responsibility   n. 职责 责任

interfere   妨碍,打扰     flexible   灵活的,弹性的

Useful   Paragraph       第4步     诵读短篇

I will act now . When the lion is hungry he eats . When the eagle has thirst he drinks . Lest

they act , both will perish . I hunger for success . I thirst for happiness and peace of mind . Lest I

act I will obey mine own command . I will act now . Success will not wait . If I delay she will

become betrothed to another and lost to me forever . This is the time . This is the place . I am the

man . I will act now .





perish  v. 丧生,毁灭     misery  n. 痛苦,苦恼     command   v. 命令

obey  v,  服从,听从     betrothed  adj.  已订婚的

Cultural   Background     第5步   了解文化










上一篇:工作会议 Working Conference 下一篇:请假 Taking a Leave
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