
文章解析 1

The case is revealing in three ways. It illustrates once more how hard it is to keep the Delta variant at bay1. It demonstrates how hard China will, yet again, nonetheless try to do just that. And it shows how widely around the world this struggle will be felt. The terminal shutdown follows a similar closure2 at Yantian port on China’s south coast in May (as well as disruptions wrough3 by last month’s typhoon In-Fa).

It now takes about 70 days for ocean freight4 to travel from its point of origin in China to its final destination in America, compared with 47 last August, according to Freightos, a digital freight marketplace. Some experts worry that the shipping delays and the prospec5 of future shutdowns may even disrupt the West’s Christmas shopping.








1、keep……at bay 使(人或物)无法迫近;无法生效,防止(问题恶化)。

Eg. 我在竭力避开债主。I'm trying to keep my creditors at bay.

夏洛特咬住嘴唇不让眼泪流出来。Charlotte bit her lip to hold the tears at bay.



2、closure 作名词,“(机构、通路、边境的)关闭,闭锁,封锁”

Eg. 这家医院面临着关闭的威胁。 The hospital has been threatened with closure.


3、wrought wreak的过去分词(wreak, wreaked, wrought)

→To wreak is to cause something to happen, usually with a terrible consequence. You can make mischief, cause problems, or inflict pain, but to wreak damage suggests a deeper level of destruction.


▲固定搭配:wreak havoc on造成严重破坏

Eg:他们的政策将对经济造成巨大的破坏。Their policies would wreak havoc on the economy.

wreak vengeance on 报复

Eg: 他发誓要对背叛他的人进行报复。He swore to wreak vengeance on those who had betrayed him.


4、freight n. /freɪt/ 1)(海运、空运或陆运的)货物;2)货运 3)运费

→Like many nouns that can mean an action as well as an actual thing, freight refers to either the sending of goods or the goods themselves. It can also mean the charge for sending goods. You pay freight(运费) for the freight(货物) of your freight(货运).


5、prospect /'prɒspekt/ [sing.] ~ (of sth / of doing sth)

→A prospect is an idea of what might or will happen in the future. 前景;展望;设想

Eg. 一想到将为人父他就满怀忧思。The prospect of becoming a father filled him with concern.



·illustrate & demonstrate

→if you illustrate something, you explain or make (something) clear by using examples, charts, pictures, etc. (用示例、图画等)说明,解释:


Eg. 图 2 显示了去年的销售数字。 Last year's sales figures are illustrated in Figure 2.

→if you demonstrate something, you show sth clearly by giving proof or evidence 证明;证实;论证;说明



His sudden departure had demonstrated how unreliable he was. 辨析:由于illustrate本意为“为……绘制插图”,因此在表示说明、解释的意思的时候,illustrate比demonstrate在语义上要更侧重用图表、绘画显示,而demonstrate更侧重于以实际例子证明。


·The terminal shutdown follows a similar closure at Yantian port on China’s south coast in May (as well as disruptions wrought by last month’s typhoon In-Fa).



·It demonstrates how hard China will, yet again, nonetheless try to do just that.



1)Yet在此强调次数或数量的增加。 Yet again=once more, after many other times.


2)nonetheless adv.“尽管如此,仍然”=nevertheless. 注意nonetheless词性是副词,不是连词,这意味着它无法在句中单独引导一个完整句,这也是下面例1中需要添加but,例2中以句号分开两句的原因。

Eg.这本书太长,但是很有知识性和趣味性。The book is too long but, nonetheless, informative and entertaining.

问题不严重。不过我们还是需要尽快处理。The problems are not serious. Nonetheless, we shall need to tackle them soon.


文章解析 2


The port infection is part of an outbreak that was first discovered on July 20th at Nanjing airport. By August 10th it had spread across a dozen provinces. Unlike other countries, which are learning to live with Delta, China has imposed1 a hardcore combination of widespread testing and uncompromising quarantines. Anyone who tests positive is whisked2 to hospital, even if they are free of symptoms. Anyone judged to have come into close contact with them (based on mobile-phone data and other indicators) is quarantined, as are close contacts of these contacts. By August 10th China had quarantined 50,808 people, more than 20 for every active confirmed case. The government has discouraged inessential3 travel between cities and provinces. And two of the worst-hit cities, Nanjing and Zhengzhou, have postpone4 the start of the school year. According to a gauge5 of lockdowns devised6 by Goldman Sachs, a bank, China’s restrictions are now as tight as they were in April 2020。



此次口岸感染是7月20日在南京机场首次发现的疫情所引发的扩散。截至8月10日,它已经蔓延到十几个省份。与其他正在学习与德尔塔共存的国家不同,中国采取的是广泛检测和毫不妥协的隔离检疫相结合的硬核措施。任何检测呈阳性的人都会被迅速送往医院,即使他们没有任何症状。任何被判定与他们有过密切接触的人(根据移动电话数据和其他指标)都会被隔离,这些接触者的密切接触者也会被隔离。截至8月10日,中国已经隔离了50808人,平均每一个现有确诊病例要隔离20多人。政府不鼓励不必要的跨市和跨省旅行。疫情最严重的两个城市,南京和郑州,已经推迟了秋季开学日期。根据高盛(Goldman Sachs)设计的封锁指标,中国现在的限制措施与2020年4月时一样严格。





1、Impose /ɪm'pəʊz/

→To impose sth. on sb means to force sb / sth to have to deal with sth that is difficult or unpleasant


Eg. 这个制度给很多人增加了额外的经济负担。

This system imposes additional financial burdens on many people.


She didn't want to impose her values on her family.


The decision was theirs and was not imposed on them by others.


2、whisk /wɪsk/

→To whisk sb to sp./away refers to the action that takes sb. / sth. somewhere very quickly and suddenly.


Eg. 他的外套被匆匆送去干洗了。 His jacket was whisked away for dry-cleaning.

有的已失去知觉,被迅速送往医院。Some fell unconscious and were whisked into hospital.


3、inessential /ɪnɪ'senʃ(ə)l/

→adj. Not absolutely necessary 非必需的,无关紧要的

Eg. 把不重要的设备撇开。Leave inessential equipment behind.

→n. A thing that is not absolutely necessary无关紧要的东西,可有可无的东西

Eg.无用之物都变成了有用之才。The inessential has become perfectly essential.


4、postpone /pəʊs'pəʊn/

→ [with obj.] cause or arrange for (something) to take place at a time later than that first scheduled。


Eg. 他延迟执行该计划,直到咨询了工业和商业部门为止。

He postponed implementing the scheme until industry and business were consulted.


5、gauge /geɪdʒ/

→n.[usually sing.] ~ (of sth) a fact or an event that can be used to estimate or judge sth (用于估计或判断的)事实,依据,尺度,标准

Eg. 明天与阿森纳队的比赛是衡量他们能否升级的很好的依据。

Tomorrow's game against Arsenal will be a good gauge of their promotion chances.



→plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought


Eg. 应该设计出一个培训计划。A training programme should be devised.



the worst-hit cities:受灾最严重的城市。Hit/attack常用于表达灾害侵袭,如:

星期二晚上发生一次龙卷风。 A tornado hit on Tuesday night.

test positive:化验呈阳性→化验呈阴性:test negative

come into close contact with: 密切接触



② (judged to have come into close contact with them (based on mobile-phone data and other indicators)is quarantined,

③as are close contacts of these contacts.


解析:①主句:anyone is quarantined。

②judged to have come into close contact with them过去分词作后置定语修饰anyone,语义上与that is judged to …一致。

定语从句中:先行词+关系代词who/which/that be +adj/done,可将关系代词+be省略,直接用adj/done作后置定语修饰,如:Anyone good at this sport could apply for the job。






文章解析 1

The case is revealing in three ways. It illustrates once more how hard it is to keep the Delta variant at bay1. It demonstrates how hard China will, yet again, nonetheless try to do just that. And it shows how widely around the world this struggle will be felt. The terminal shutdown follows a similar closure2 at Yantian port on China’s south coast in May (as well as disruptions wrough3 by last month’s typhoon In-Fa).

It now takes about 70 days for ocean freight4 to travel from its point of origin in China to its final destination in America, compared with 47 last August, according to Freightos, a digital freight marketplace. Some experts worry that the shipping delays and the prospec5 of future shutdowns may even disrupt the West’s Christmas shopping.








1、keep……at bay 使(人或物)无法迫近;无法生效,防止(问题恶化)。

Eg. 我在竭力避开债主。I'm trying to keep my creditors at bay.

夏洛特咬住嘴唇不让眼泪流出来。Charlotte bit her lip to hold the tears at bay.



2、closure 作名词,“(机构、通路、边境的)关闭,闭锁,封锁”

Eg. 这家医院面临着关闭的威胁。 The hospital has been threatened with closure.


3、wrought wreak的过去分词(wreak, wreaked, wrought)

→To wreak is to cause something to happen, usually with a terrible consequence. You can make mischief, cause problems, or inflict pain, but to wreak damage suggests a deeper level of destruction.


▲固定搭配:wreak havoc on造成严重破坏

Eg:他们的政策将对经济造成巨大的破坏。Their policies would wreak havoc on the economy.

wreak vengeance on 报复

Eg: 他发誓要对背叛他的人进行报复。He swore to wreak vengeance on those who had betrayed him.


4、freight n. /freɪt/ 1)(海运、空运或陆运的)货物;2)货运 3)运费

→Like many nouns that can mean an action as well as an actual thing, freight refers to either the sending of goods or the goods themselves. It can also mean the charge for sending goods. You pay freight(运费) for the freight(货物) of your freight(货运).


5、prospect /'prɒspekt/ [sing.] ~ (of sth / of doing sth)

→A prospect is an idea of what might or will happen in the future. 前景;展望;设想

Eg. 一想到将为人父他就满怀忧思。The prospect of becoming a father filled him with concern.



·illustrate & demonstrate

→if you illustrate something, you explain or make (something) clear by using examples, charts, pictures, etc. (用示例、图画等)说明,解释:


Eg. 图 2 显示了去年的销售数字。 Last year's sales figures are illustrated in Figure 2.

→if you demonstrate something, you show sth clearly by giving proof or evidence 证明;证实;论证;说明



His sudden departure had demonstrated how unreliable he was. 辨析:由于illustrate本意为“为……绘制插图”,因此在表示说明、解释的意思的时候,illustrate比demonstrate在语义上要更侧重用图表、绘画显示,而demonstrate更侧重于以实际例子证明。


·The terminal shutdown follows a similar closure at Yantian port on China’s south coast in May (as well as disruptions wrought by last month’s typhoon In-Fa).



·It demonstrates how hard China will, yet again, nonetheless try to do just that.



1)Yet在此强调次数或数量的增加。 Yet again=once more, after many other times.


2)nonetheless adv.“尽管如此,仍然”=nevertheless. 注意nonetheless词性是副词,不是连词,这意味着它无法在句中单独引导一个完整句,这也是下面例1中需要添加but,例2中以句号分开两句的原因。

Eg.这本书太长,但是很有知识性和趣味性。The book is too long but, nonetheless, informative and entertaining.

问题不严重。不过我们还是需要尽快处理。The problems are not serious. Nonetheless, we shall need to tackle them soon.


文章解析 2


The port infection is part of an outbreak that was first discovered on July 20th at Nanjing airport. By August 10th it had spread across a dozen provinces. Unlike other countries, which are learning to live with Delta, China has imposed1 a hardcore combination of widespread testing and uncompromising quarantines. Anyone who tests positive is whisked2 to hospital, even if they are free of symptoms. Anyone judged to have come into close contact with them (based on mobile-phone data and other indicators) is quarantined, as are close contacts of these contacts. By August 10th China had quarantined 50,808 people, more than 20 for every active confirmed case. The government has discouraged inessential3 travel between cities and provinces. And two of the worst-hit cities, Nanjing and Zhengzhou, have postpone4 the start of the school year. According to a gauge5 of lockdowns devised6 by Goldman Sachs, a bank, China’s restrictions are now as tight as they were in April 2020。



此次口岸感染是7月20日在南京机场首次发现的疫情所引发的扩散。截至8月10日,它已经蔓延到十几个省份。与其他正在学习与德尔塔共存的国家不同,中国采取的是广泛检测和毫不妥协的隔离检疫相结合的硬核措施。任何检测呈阳性的人都会被迅速送往医院,即使他们没有任何症状。任何被判定与他们有过密切接触的人(根据移动电话数据和其他指标)都会被隔离,这些接触者的密切接触者也会被隔离。截至8月10日,中国已经隔离了50808人,平均每一个现有确诊病例要隔离20多人。政府不鼓励不必要的跨市和跨省旅行。疫情最严重的两个城市,南京和郑州,已经推迟了秋季开学日期。根据高盛(Goldman Sachs)设计的封锁指标,中国现在的限制措施与2020年4月时一样严格。





1、Impose /ɪm'pəʊz/

→To impose sth. on sb means to force sb / sth to have to deal with sth that is difficult or unpleasant


Eg. 这个制度给很多人增加了额外的经济负担。

This system imposes additional financial burdens on many people.


She didn't want to impose her values on her family.


The decision was theirs and was not imposed on them by others.


2、whisk /wɪsk/

→To whisk sb to sp./away refers to the action that takes sb. / sth. somewhere very quickly and suddenly.


Eg. 他的外套被匆匆送去干洗了。 His jacket was whisked away for dry-cleaning.

有的已失去知觉,被迅速送往医院。Some fell unconscious and were whisked into hospital.


3、inessential /ɪnɪ'senʃ(ə)l/

→adj. Not absolutely necessary 非必需的,无关紧要的

Eg. 把不重要的设备撇开。Leave inessential equipment behind.

→n. A thing that is not absolutely necessary无关紧要的东西,可有可无的东西

Eg.无用之物都变成了有用之才。The inessential has become perfectly essential.


4、postpone /pəʊs'pəʊn/

→ [with obj.] cause or arrange for (something) to take place at a time later than that first scheduled。


Eg. 他延迟执行该计划,直到咨询了工业和商业部门为止。

He postponed implementing the scheme until industry and business were consulted.


5、gauge /geɪdʒ/

→n.[usually sing.] ~ (of sth) a fact or an event that can be used to estimate or judge sth (用于估计或判断的)事实,依据,尺度,标准

Eg. 明天与阿森纳队的比赛是衡量他们能否升级的很好的依据。

Tomorrow's game against Arsenal will be a good gauge of their promotion chances.



→plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought


Eg. 应该设计出一个培训计划。A training programme should be devised.



the worst-hit cities:受灾最严重的城市。Hit/attack常用于表达灾害侵袭,如:

星期二晚上发生一次龙卷风。 A tornado hit on Tuesday night.

test positive:化验呈阳性→化验呈阴性:test negative

come into close contact with: 密切接触



② (judged to have come into close contact with them (based on mobile-phone data and other indicators)is quarantined,

③as are close contacts of these contacts.


解析:①主句:anyone is quarantined。

②judged to have come into close contact with them过去分词作后置定语修饰anyone,语义上与that is judged to …一致。

定语从句中:先行词+关系代词who/which/that be +adj/done,可将关系代词+be省略,直接用adj/done作后置定语修饰,如:Anyone good at this sport could apply for the job。






上一篇:热门时事话题精读解析:中国的抗疫为什么能成功? 下一篇:@上海高考生,上海春考将公布预录取名单,重点关注!
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