

海纳百川 all rivers run into sea
害人害己 harm set ,harm get
化敌为友 make your enemy your friend
火中取栗 pull the chestnut out of fire
祸不单行 misfortunes never come alone
饥不择食 nothing comes wrong to a hungry man
机不可失 all time is no time when it is past
积少成多 many a little make a mickle
积习难改 a leopard cannot change its spots
集腋成裘 every little helps a mickle
既往不咎 let the dead bury the dead
兼听则明 hear all parties
狡兔三窟 it is a poor mouse that has only one hole
教学相长 teaching others teaches yourself
捷足先登 the early bird catches the worm
斤斤计较 strain at a gnat
尽力而为 do one’s level best
精诚所至 faith will move mountains
静以修身 a light heart lives long
九牛一毛 a drop in the bucket
酒后真言 wine in mirror of the mind
旧情难忘 old love will not be forgotten
局促不安 like a cat on hot bricks
开券有益reading enriches the mind
可歌可泣 set one in a melting mood
空谈无补 talking mends no holes
苦尽甘来 pleasure comes through toil
来龙去脉 cause and effect



海纳百川 all rivers run into sea
害人害己 harm set ,harm get
化敌为友 make your enemy your friend
火中取栗 pull the chestnut out of fire
祸不单行 misfortunes never come alone
饥不择食 nothing comes wrong to a hungry man
机不可失 all time is no time when it is past
积少成多 many a little make a mickle
积习难改 a leopard cannot change its spots
集腋成裘 every little helps a mickle
既往不咎 let the dead bury the dead
兼听则明 hear all parties
狡兔三窟 it is a poor mouse that has only one hole
教学相长 teaching others teaches yourself
捷足先登 the early bird catches the worm
斤斤计较 strain at a gnat
尽力而为 do one’s level best
精诚所至 faith will move mountains
静以修身 a light heart lives long
九牛一毛 a drop in the bucket
酒后真言 wine in mirror of the mind
旧情难忘 old love will not be forgotten
局促不安 like a cat on hot bricks
开券有益reading enriches the mind
可歌可泣 set one in a melting mood
空谈无补 talking mends no holes
苦尽甘来 pleasure comes through toil
来龙去脉 cause and effect


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