

Wed., Sept. 28   Sunny

A day of no exams
Today was no different from the days I’ve had before. It was sunny and I got up early. I met my classmate on the way to school. Once I got to school I was already tired out because there were so many people on the bus and the driver drove at full speed.
Anyway, today was a special day because we didn’t have examinations in school. At five classes were over and I went out with some friends to eat noodles. Now I must go to bed in order to get up early again tomorrow.
九月二十八日 星期三  
Fri., Sept. 30 Rainy
Self-confidence someone said is the foundation of doing great things. I was thinking about this today. I guess it’s true. I find that so many people fail to realize their potential and take advantage of the opportunities that come knocking at their doors because they lack self-confidence. This is such a pity. Although that’s so easy to say it’s really difficult to do.
Often I find people with budding talent for something but they do not dare go out and try to develop that talent because they lack self-confidence. Having no self-confidence will get you nowhere because you will be too timid to try anything. But self-confidence comes only when you know yourself. You should know both your weaknesses and strengths. Only after this can you forge ahead with doing great things.
I find this especially true with the great ones that I see around me. One key ingredient in their success is their self-confidence .Self-confidence has a way of affecting others around you to believe in you. This in turn reinforces your self-confidence further. I think to be successful in life you need to have first self-confidence to start with.
九月三十日 星期五 
Sat., Oct., 1 Fine
National Day
Today is National Day. It is neither too hot nor too cold. The sky is cobalt blue,and a fresh breeze blows from the south.
According to the evening newscast, there were quite a few people who did not fly the national flag over their doors. This is quite vicious. It is not too much to say that these people are wanting in patriotism. We put up a national flag newly washed and pressed at our gate.
十月一日 星期六 





Wed., Sept. 28   Sunny

A day of no exams
Today was no different from the days I’ve had before. It was sunny and I got up early. I met my classmate on the way to school. Once I got to school I was already tired out because there were so many people on the bus and the driver drove at full speed.
Anyway, today was a special day because we didn’t have examinations in school. At five classes were over and I went out with some friends to eat noodles. Now I must go to bed in order to get up early again tomorrow.
九月二十八日 星期三  
Fri., Sept. 30 Rainy
Self-confidence someone said is the foundation of doing great things. I was thinking about this today. I guess it’s true. I find that so many people fail to realize their potential and take advantage of the opportunities that come knocking at their doors because they lack self-confidence. This is such a pity. Although that’s so easy to say it’s really difficult to do.
Often I find people with budding talent for something but they do not dare go out and try to develop that talent because they lack self-confidence. Having no self-confidence will get you nowhere because you will be too timid to try anything. But self-confidence comes only when you know yourself. You should know both your weaknesses and strengths. Only after this can you forge ahead with doing great things.
I find this especially true with the great ones that I see around me. One key ingredient in their success is their self-confidence .Self-confidence has a way of affecting others around you to believe in you. This in turn reinforces your self-confidence further. I think to be successful in life you need to have first self-confidence to start with.
九月三十日 星期五 
Sat., Oct., 1 Fine
National Day
Today is National Day. It is neither too hot nor too cold. The sky is cobalt blue,and a fresh breeze blows from the south.
According to the evening newscast, there were quite a few people who did not fly the national flag over their doors. This is quite vicious. It is not too much to say that these people are wanting in patriotism. We put up a national flag newly washed and pressed at our gate.
十月一日 星期六 




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