every与each 的区别:
Each player has got a medal. 每位运动员都得到了奖牌。  
Every player was on top form. 每个运动员都处在最佳竞技状态。
Every/each side of the square (正)
Each/ either side of the street(正)
Every side of the street   (误) 
C.every 只作形容词,不可单独使用。each可作代词或形容词。
  Every student has to take one.
  Each boy has to take one.
  Each of the boys has to take one.
(4) all, bothwhole
both 指两者,all 指两者以上。例:
            Both of the answers are right.两个答案都对。
All the answers are correct. 所有的答案都对。
All作为代词时,可单独使用,也可跟of短语。当all表示单数概念时,谓语动词为单数;当表示复数概念时,谓语动词用复数形式。Both 后谓语动词用复数形式。
All of his children are workers.
All I want is peace and silence. 我所要的是和平与安宁。
Both of them can speak English.
l         注意: 形容词all 与 whole 的区别:all意为"全部的,所有的",着重于整体。可修饰可数名词和不可数名词。其位置一般在限定词(定冠词、物主代词、that等)之前,如all the time, all his life, all that afternoon等。例如:   
It's good to see all my teachers and friends again.
All the passengers were saved. 所有的旅客都得救了。     
The whole building is in danger of collapsing. 整个大楼有倒塌的危险。   
It rains for three whole days. 雨下了整整三天。  
 (5) some, any
some 一般用于肯定句中,而any用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中。 例:
Are there any stamps in the drawer?抽屉里有邮票吗?
Yes, there are some. 是的,有一些。
l         注意,当某些疑问句表示请求、建议等肯定意义时,用some不用any。
例:Would you like some tea? 想喝点茶吗?
l  限定词练习:
1. My shoes have been worn out. I'll have to buy______.
 A) some new pair      B) a new one  C) some new ones        D) a new pair 
2. If ______ letter arrives for me, can you send it to this address? 
 A) no         B) some    C) any                  D) some more
3. Taxes and death may come to______, but they never come with impartiality. 
 A) all man         B) all of man  C) all men          D) all of men
4. Miss Green contributed fifty dollars, but she wished she could contribute______. 
 A) one other fifty dollars          B) the same amount also 
C) more fifty dollars                D) another fifty
5. Our monitor is always ready to do good to______.
A) the other              B) the others   C) other         D)others
6. ______of them knew about the plan because it was secret.
 A) Some            B) Any            C) No one             D) None
7. There is very ______ hope that he will survive the car accident.
 A) few              B) a few    C) much               D) little
8. I have two brothers. One is a scientist; ______ is an artist.
 A) another         B) the other    C) others              D) the others
9. On Sundays, they often go to ______ to hear music.
A) a church              B) the church  C) church             D) some churches
10. Do you have ______ coffee left?
 A) some             B) any            C) any of        D) a lot
11. Hand in a composition every ______ week, please.
 A) some            B) other C) others        D) another
12.Two people had met the general before, but ______ recognized him.
A) either            B) neither         C) any                  D) some
13. I have read ______ you lent me.
 A) all of books   B) the all books      C) all the books           D) whole the books
14. We are so glad that we have reaped ______ harvest this year.
 A) the other        B) another      C) other                D) the another
15. I have had enough cake. Would you like______?
 A) one more             B) some more C) any more          D) another one
16. ______ child will find his own personal road to success.
 A) Every           B) Each C) Some               D) The
17. I have classes ______ day—Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
 A) each             B) every other     C) this and the other     D) all other
18. There was ______ food left, though we all got hungry.
 A) little              B) a little        C) a few               D) few
19. I haven't finished reading that French book, ______ has my friend.
 A) so         B) neither       C) also                 D) as well
20. Some people prefer classical music, while ______ prefer rock music.
A) other             B) the other   C) another               D) others
21.There were ______ students in the reading room.
A) neither          B) not           C) no                    D) none
22.If it is of ______ use to you, please take it.
A) some             B) many  C) no                    D) any
23.______ were ironed by my mother yesterday.
A)The all sheets  B) all of sheets       C) All the sheets    D) Sheets of all
24.They saw ______ girls the day before yesterday.
A) both the other two               B) the two other both   
C) the both other two                     D. the both two other
25.______ boxer was strong, but ______ had a good build and was light on his feet.
A) Either/every    B) Neither/each C) Both/both              D) All the/all
26.______ was astonished to find himself rooting and shouting in a most undignified manner.
A) Many elderly man                B) A many elderly men
C) Many an elderly man            D) Many elderly men
27.Deputies to the National  People’s Congress are elected_______.
A) every four year      B)each four years C) every of four years    D) every four years.
28. There is hardly ______difference between the two libraries.
A) no                B) any           C) much               D) some
29. He was very much disappointed because ______ went to his wedding party.
A) no his friends        B) all no his friendsC) none his friends        D) none of his friends
30.You can never use my car. ____ time should you touch it.
A) At no             B) At any C) any                  D) No


every与each 的区别:
Each player has got a medal. 每位运动员都得到了奖牌。  
Every player was on top form. 每个运动员都处在最佳竞技状态。
Every/each side of the square (正)
Each/ either side of the street(正)
Every side of the street   (误) 
C.every 只作形容词,不可单独使用。each可作代词或形容词。
  Every student has to take one.
  Each boy has to take one.
  Each of the boys has to take one.
(4) all, bothwhole
both 指两者,all 指两者以上。例:
            Both of the answers are right.两个答案都对。
All the answers are correct. 所有的答案都对。
All作为代词时,可单独使用,也可跟of短语。当all表示单数概念时,谓语动词为单数;当表示复数概念时,谓语动词用复数形式。Both 后谓语动词用复数形式。
All of his children are workers.
All I want is peace and silence. 我所要的是和平与安宁。
Both of them can speak English.
l         注意: 形容词all 与 whole 的区别:all意为"全部的,所有的",着重于整体。可修饰可数名词和不可数名词。其位置一般在限定词(定冠词、物主代词、that等)之前,如all the time, all his life, all that afternoon等。例如:   
It's good to see all my teachers and friends again.
All the passengers were saved. 所有的旅客都得救了。     
The whole building is in danger of collapsing. 整个大楼有倒塌的危险。   
It rains for three whole days. 雨下了整整三天。  
 (5) some, any
some 一般用于肯定句中,而any用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中。 例:
Are there any stamps in the drawer?抽屉里有邮票吗?
Yes, there are some. 是的,有一些。
l         注意,当某些疑问句表示请求、建议等肯定意义时,用some不用any。
例:Would you like some tea? 想喝点茶吗?
l  限定词练习:
1. My shoes have been worn out. I'll have to buy______.
 A) some new pair      B) a new one  C) some new ones        D) a new pair 
2. If ______ letter arrives for me, can you send it to this address? 
 A) no         B) some    C) any                  D) some more
3. Taxes and death may come to______, but they never come with impartiality. 
 A) all man         B) all of man  C) all men          D) all of men
4. Miss Green contributed fifty dollars, but she wished she could contribute______. 
 A) one other fifty dollars          B) the same amount also 
C) more fifty dollars                D) another fifty
5. Our monitor is always ready to do good to______.
A) the other              B) the others   C) other         D)others
6. ______of them knew about the plan because it was secret.
 A) Some            B) Any            C) No one             D) None
7. There is very ______ hope that he will survive the car accident.
 A) few              B) a few    C) much               D) little
8. I have two brothers. One is a scientist; ______ is an artist.
 A) another         B) the other    C) others              D) the others
9. On Sundays, they often go to ______ to hear music.
A) a church              B) the church  C) church             D) some churches
10. Do you have ______ coffee left?
 A) some             B) any            C) any of        D) a lot
11. Hand in a composition every ______ week, please.
 A) some            B) other C) others        D) another
12.Two people had met the general before, but ______ recognized him.
A) either            B) neither         C) any                  D) some
13. I have read ______ you lent me.
 A) all of books   B) the all books      C) all the books           D) whole the books
14. We are so glad that we have reaped ______ harvest this year.
 A) the other        B) another      C) other                D) the another
15. I have had enough cake. Would you like______?
 A) one more             B) some more C) any more          D) another one
16. ______ child will find his own personal road to success.
 A) Every           B) Each C) Some               D) The
17. I have classes ______ day—Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
 A) each             B) every other     C) this and the other     D) all other
18. There was ______ food left, though we all got hungry.
 A) little              B) a little        C) a few               D) few
19. I haven't finished reading that French book, ______ has my friend.
 A) so         B) neither       C) also                 D) as well
20. Some people prefer classical music, while ______ prefer rock music.
A) other             B) the other   C) another               D) others
21.There were ______ students in the reading room.
A) neither          B) not           C) no                    D) none
22.If it is of ______ use to you, please take it.
A) some             B) many  C) no                    D) any
23.______ were ironed by my mother yesterday.
A)The all sheets  B) all of sheets       C) All the sheets    D) Sheets of all
24.They saw ______ girls the day before yesterday.
A) both the other two               B) the two other both   
C) the both other two                     D. the both two other
25.______ boxer was strong, but ______ had a good build and was light on his feet.
A) Either/every    B) Neither/each C) Both/both              D) All the/all
26.______ was astonished to find himself rooting and shouting in a most undignified manner.
A) Many elderly man                B) A many elderly men
C) Many an elderly man            D) Many elderly men
27.Deputies to the National  People’s Congress are elected_______.
A) every four year      B)each four years C) every of four years    D) every four years.
28. There is hardly ______difference between the two libraries.
A) no                B) any           C) much               D) some
29. He was very much disappointed because ______ went to his wedding party.
A) no his friends        B) all no his friendsC) none his friends        D) none of his friends
30.You can never use my car. ____ time should you touch it.
A) At no             B) At any C) any                  D) No


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:限定词的用法
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