I. Ask and answer the following questions in paris.
1. Do you think the negotiation was satisfactory to the both parties? Can you give your classmates the reason?
2. How was the atmosphere in the course of the negotiation?
3. What had Mr. henry and mr. Jiang discussed during the negotiation?
4. Had they reached an agreement on all items?
5. had mr. Jiang drawn up a draft contract?
6. What did he ask mr. henry to do with the contract?
7. was everything in the contract perfect?
8. Did the contract cover all the points they had discussed?
9. However, Mr. henry wanted the contract amended, didn’t he?
10. How did Mr. henry want the contract amended?
11. How did he want the packing clause to be like?
12.Were they going to make the packing clause a separate item in the contract?
13. Was they Jiang going to have the contract revised?
14. When would Mr. henry come and sign the contract/
II. Fill in the blanks in the following wentences with appropriate verbs.
1. Only when we have agreed on all the terms and conditions , can we start _______ the contract.
2. Through joint efforts, we believe business can be ______ to our mutual benefit.
3. We have ______ a contract according to the outcome of the negotiation.
4. We hope to _______ terms with you in this trial purchase.
5. The sellers reserve the right to _______ the contract unless the goods reach the port of destination before Juloy 20.
6. The contract was ______ as a result of negotiation.
7. We agree to the terms and conditions stipulated in the contract and will _______ by it.
8. We have _______ our sales contract No.300 in duplicate.
9. I’m glad we’ve ______ an agreement on all the clauses discussed so far.
10. Our next job is to see the contract _______ smoothly.
III. Translate the following sentences into English.
1.       这是我根据会议纪要所草拟的合同文稿,请过目,看看是否有什么不妥。
2.       在我们签字之前,还有两个问题有待澄清一下。
3.       你认为付款条款是否要稍加改动?
4.       恐怕有几个地方给忽略了。
5.       就合同条款而言,没什么了。不过有几处小问题,想得到你的协助。
6.       我看,这儿应该加上“如果一方未执行合同条款,另一文莱 有权终止本合同,并要求赔偿损失”。
7.       合同双方应重合同守信用,任何违约都会引起分歧和索赔要求。
8.       中国政府正在创造有利的投资环境,努力把事情做得好一点。
9.       合同细节只有以双方同意的情况下才能加以修改。
10.   在签字前,我想拿回去再仔细看一下,行吗?
IV.Translate the following into English orally.


I. Ask and answer the following questions in paris.
1. Do you think the negotiation was satisfactory to the both parties? Can you give your classmates the reason?
2. How was the atmosphere in the course of the negotiation?
3. What had Mr. henry and mr. Jiang discussed during the negotiation?
4. Had they reached an agreement on all items?
5. had mr. Jiang drawn up a draft contract?
6. What did he ask mr. henry to do with the contract?
7. was everything in the contract perfect?
8. Did the contract cover all the points they had discussed?
9. However, Mr. henry wanted the contract amended, didn’t he?
10. How did Mr. henry want the contract amended?
11. How did he want the packing clause to be like?
12.Were they going to make the packing clause a separate item in the contract?
13. Was they Jiang going to have the contract revised?
14. When would Mr. henry come and sign the contract/
II. Fill in the blanks in the following wentences with appropriate verbs.
1. Only when we have agreed on all the terms and conditions , can we start _______ the contract.
2. Through joint efforts, we believe business can be ______ to our mutual benefit.
3. We have ______ a contract according to the outcome of the negotiation.
4. We hope to _______ terms with you in this trial purchase.
5. The sellers reserve the right to _______ the contract unless the goods reach the port of destination before Juloy 20.
6. The contract was ______ as a result of negotiation.
7. We agree to the terms and conditions stipulated in the contract and will _______ by it.
8. We have _______ our sales contract No.300 in duplicate.
9. I’m glad we’ve ______ an agreement on all the clauses discussed so far.
10. Our next job is to see the contract _______ smoothly.
III. Translate the following sentences into English.
1.       这是我根据会议纪要所草拟的合同文稿,请过目,看看是否有什么不妥。
2.       在我们签字之前,还有两个问题有待澄清一下。
3.       你认为付款条款是否要稍加改动?
4.       恐怕有几个地方给忽略了。
5.       就合同条款而言,没什么了。不过有几处小问题,想得到你的协助。
6.       我看,这儿应该加上“如果一方未执行合同条款,另一文莱 有权终止本合同,并要求赔偿损失”。
7.       合同双方应重合同守信用,任何违约都会引起分歧和索赔要求。
8.       中国政府正在创造有利的投资环境,努力把事情做得好一点。
9.       合同细节只有以双方同意的情况下才能加以修改。
10.   在签字前,我想拿回去再仔细看一下,行吗?
IV.Translate the following into English orally.


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:合同的外贸英语对话练习
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