Making an Appointment  预约见面
R=Receptionist接线员    F=Forest      S=Secretary秘书
R: Good morning. Castle Imports. 早上好。卡斯特进口公司。
F:Hello. This is Forest calling from Tokyo.
I wrote to Mr Finley last week, and he sent me a tax asking me to call and make an appointment to see him in New York.
R:I’ll put you throught to Mr. Finley’s secretary Please hold. 我帮你接通弗伦利先生的秘书,请稍等。
S:Hello, Mr. Forest. Than you for calling. Now, what day would be good for you?
F:Well, I can come in aimost any day nest week. 我下周哪一天都可以。
S: Well,how about Friday? 那星期五怎么样?
F:Friday will be fine. What time should I come? 星期五可以。那我什么时间来呢?
S:Well, were you planning to arrive in New York on Friday, or come the night before and stay in a hotel?
F:I was planning to arrive the night before.我打算在前一天的晚上到。
S:Well, I’m sure mr. Finley would like to meet you for dinner on Thursday evening.
F:That would be nice.那就太好了。
S:Good. I’ll send you a fax ato confirm this. 好的。我会给你发传真确认。
JF:Could we make it earlier in the week? I was planning to fly back to Tokyo on Friday.
S:Let me see. Mr. Finley will be away during the middle of the week. But Monday or Tuesday will be OK. 让我看一下,弗伦利先生在周中时会离开,但是星期一和星期二有时间。
F:Monday morning would good. 星期一的上午好一些。
S:All right. What time would you liketo come in? 好的,你想什么时间来?
F:Ten o’clock would be perfect.10点最好了。S:Good Monday the fifth at ten . I’ll send you a fax to confirm the appointment.好的,5号星期一上午10点。我会给你发传真确认。


Making an Appointment  预约见面
R=Receptionist接线员    F=Forest      S=Secretary秘书
R: Good morning. Castle Imports. 早上好。卡斯特进口公司。
F:Hello. This is Forest calling from Tokyo.
I wrote to Mr Finley last week, and he sent me a tax asking me to call and make an appointment to see him in New York.
R:I’ll put you throught to Mr. Finley’s secretary Please hold. 我帮你接通弗伦利先生的秘书,请稍等。
S:Hello, Mr. Forest. Than you for calling. Now, what day would be good for you?
F:Well, I can come in aimost any day nest week. 我下周哪一天都可以。
S: Well,how about Friday? 那星期五怎么样?
F:Friday will be fine. What time should I come? 星期五可以。那我什么时间来呢?
S:Well, were you planning to arrive in New York on Friday, or come the night before and stay in a hotel?
F:I was planning to arrive the night before.我打算在前一天的晚上到。
S:Well, I’m sure mr. Finley would like to meet you for dinner on Thursday evening.
F:That would be nice.那就太好了。
S:Good. I’ll send you a fax ato confirm this. 好的。我会给你发传真确认。
JF:Could we make it earlier in the week? I was planning to fly back to Tokyo on Friday.
S:Let me see. Mr. Finley will be away during the middle of the week. But Monday or Tuesday will be OK. 让我看一下,弗伦利先生在周中时会离开,但是星期一和星期二有时间。
F:Monday morning would good. 星期一的上午好一些。
S:All right. What time would you liketo come in? 好的,你想什么时间来?
F:Ten o’clock would be perfect.10点最好了。S:Good Monday the fifth at ten . I’ll send you a fax to confirm the appointment.好的,5号星期一上午10点。我会给你发传真确认。


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:日期的英语表达方法 及使用规则
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