  Describing Business locations  描述工作场所
Inter-office Memo   部门之间的备忘录
所谓inter-office memo是指在同一个公司里的两个部门之间的备忘录。我们来阅读一下与工作计划有关的备忘录。

Microsurf Corp.
     Inter-office Memo
To:      All Employee
From:    John Shinsky, Facilities Management
Subject:  Plans for New Office Design
Date:    May 20,2002
This is to update you on the design of our new office building in New Jersey. The building will need a lot of
work before employees can move in. The new office design will bring open offices to the whole company.
Employees will work in open cubicles.  Each floor will five a communications center with tables,
telephones, computers and fax machines. The building will also have six conference rooms, three training rooms
and a large cafeteria. We plan to move into the new offices in June.

●communications center
我们应该记住在英国英语里面communications center的拼写方法是communications centre。
The Right Word   相关的词汇
boardroom  n. 会议室          cafeteria  n. 自助餐厅         communications center (美)通信中心    
communications centre(英)通信中心        cubicle  n.小隔间       design  n. 设计      
downstairs  adj.在楼下          upstairs  adj. 在楼下          elaborate  adj.精心制作的;精巧的      
elaborate  adj. (美)电梯       lift  n.(英)电梯             enter   v.进入        entrance  n. 入口      
floor  n. (楼房的)层       ladies’ room女卫生间        men’s room 男卫生间           toilet  n. 洗手间   
meeting room  会议室        office  n. 办公室           open office 开放式办公室        operator n.接线员   
reception area 接待大厅       restroom  n. 休息室         secretary  n. 秘书              section  n. 部门
security  n. 保安 


  Describing Business locations  描述工作场所
Inter-office Memo   部门之间的备忘录
所谓inter-office memo是指在同一个公司里的两个部门之间的备忘录。我们来阅读一下与工作计划有关的备忘录。

Microsurf Corp.
     Inter-office Memo
To:      All Employee
From:    John Shinsky, Facilities Management
Subject:  Plans for New Office Design
Date:    May 20,2002
This is to update you on the design of our new office building in New Jersey. The building will need a lot of
work before employees can move in. The new office design will bring open offices to the whole company.
Employees will work in open cubicles.  Each floor will five a communications center with tables,
telephones, computers and fax machines. The building will also have six conference rooms, three training rooms
and a large cafeteria. We plan to move into the new offices in June.

●communications center
我们应该记住在英国英语里面communications center的拼写方法是communications centre。
The Right Word   相关的词汇
boardroom  n. 会议室          cafeteria  n. 自助餐厅         communications center (美)通信中心    
communications centre(英)通信中心        cubicle  n.小隔间       design  n. 设计      
downstairs  adj.在楼下          upstairs  adj. 在楼下          elaborate  adj.精心制作的;精巧的      
elaborate  adj. (美)电梯       lift  n.(英)电梯             enter   v.进入        entrance  n. 入口      
floor  n. (楼房的)层       ladies’ room女卫生间        men’s room 男卫生间           toilet  n. 洗手间   
meeting room  会议室        office  n. 办公室           open office 开放式办公室        operator n.接线员   
reception area 接待大厅       restroom  n. 休息室         secretary  n. 秘书              section  n. 部门
security  n. 保安 


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:课外阅读题,中考阅读理解解题技巧(二)
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