Regions                          percentage
Asia Pacific (excluding Japan)……………….91
Europe……………………………………… .96
North America………………………………..72
Other regions of the world………………… 188
The Right Word  相关的词汇
altogether  adv. 全部;合计     busy  adj. 忙的       communicate 商议;交换意见      decade n. 十年
disappear  v. 消失           get together   聚集       management style  管理模式       mega  adj.巨大的
opinion  n.  伙伴            power  n.  权限        responsibility  n.责任              site  n. 场所;基地
staff  n. (全体)职员;(全体)工作人员
                               Report on Business predictions
Online shopping worldwide will increase by 85 per cent. In one year, online shopping in japan will show an increase of 183 per cent.
In the Asia Pacific region excluding Japan,online shopping will increase by 91 per cent. Online shopping will grow by 96 per centin Europe, and by 72 per cent in North America. In other regions of the world, e-commerce will grow by 188 per cent.
alking about a Business trip  谈论商务旅行
B=Boss老板  M=mManager经理
B:When are you leaving for Los Angeles?你什么时候去洛杉矶?
M:  I’m leaving on July 22nd. 我7月22号走。
B:What are you going to do in LA? 你在洛杉矶做什么?
M: Well, first I have a meeting with our sales reps. Then I’m going to meet Frank Werth and visit a new production site. After that, I fly to Chicago to meet with our business partners.首先我要和我们的销售代表开会,之后我会去见弗兰克.沃思并且参观一个新的生产基地。之后,我飞往芝加哥去见我的商业伙伴。
B:Are you meeting with Jim Lewis?你要去见吉姆.刘易斯吗?
除了When are you leaving…之外,还可以用When do you leave…? When ar eyou going to leave…? When will you leave?
对话里常把les Angeles省略成LA。
英国英语里用meet, 而不是meet with.
M:Yes. I’m having lunch with him on the 26th 是的, 我们26号在一起吃午饭。
B:  Good. How many days will you be in Chicago?好的,你在芝加哥待多少天?
M:  I plan to be there for two days. 我打算在那待两天。
B:  Only two days? Will that be enough time? 只有两天?时间够吗?
M: I think so. I’ll be very busy, but I think two days will be enough.我觉得可以。我会非常忙,但是我想两天足够了。
B:  I have three appointments, and two days should be enough for all them.三次。两天时间足够进行三次会谈了。
M: No. I wasn’t planning to meet with him.不,我不打算见他。
B:  Well, I think it would be a good idea it you did.嗯,我认为你去见他好一点儿。
M: OK. I’ll call him and see if we can get together for lunch.好的,我会给他打电话看看他是否有时间和我一起吃午饭。
M: Maybe not. I have four appointments so far. That might not be enough time for all of them.
B: I don’t think it will be. I think you’re going to need one of two more days.
M:  I think you’re right. I’ll probably need more time to see that many people.我想你是对的。我可能需要更多的时间去见这见么多的人。
Talking about the Future of Business   谈论未来的业务
E=Executive主管 R=Reporter记者
R:How do you think compainies will change in the next decade?你认为今后的10年公司会变成什么样?
E:In the next decade? Well, for one thing. I think we’re going to see fewer and fewer small and medium-sized companies.
下个10年? 首先,我认为小型的中型的公司将会越来越少。
R:Really? What’s going to happen to the smaller companies? 真的吗?这些小型公司将会怎么样?
E:Well, some smaller companies will disappear altogether, but many of them will become parts of a few, very large, 'mega' companies. It’s already happening, as a matter of fact. Ten years from now, we’ll see far fewer smaller companies than we do today.
R:  What are some other ways companies will change over the next ten year5s?那10年后公司会有其他的变化吗?
E:Well, management styles are going to change.公司管理模式将会发生变化。
R:How are managers going to change? What’s going to be the management style of the future?
E:  Managers are going to give their staff more power and responsibility. And manager will communicate more. They’ll consuilt with more people. You know; ask more people for theirideas and opinions.


Regions                          percentage
Asia Pacific (excluding Japan)……………….91
Europe……………………………………… .96
North America………………………………..72
Other regions of the world………………… 188
The Right Word  相关的词汇
altogether  adv. 全部;合计     busy  adj. 忙的       communicate 商议;交换意见      decade n. 十年
disappear  v. 消失           get together   聚集       management style  管理模式       mega  adj.巨大的
opinion  n.  伙伴            power  n.  权限        responsibility  n.责任              site  n. 场所;基地
staff  n. (全体)职员;(全体)工作人员
                               Report on Business predictions
Online shopping worldwide will increase by 85 per cent. In one year, online shopping in japan will show an increase of 183 per cent.
In the Asia Pacific region excluding Japan,online shopping will increase by 91 per cent. Online shopping will grow by 96 per centin Europe, and by 72 per cent in North America. In other regions of the world, e-commerce will grow by 188 per cent.
alking about a Business trip  谈论商务旅行
B=Boss老板  M=mManager经理
B:When are you leaving for Los Angeles?你什么时候去洛杉矶?
M:  I’m leaving on July 22nd. 我7月22号走。
B:What are you going to do in LA? 你在洛杉矶做什么?
M: Well, first I have a meeting with our sales reps. Then I’m going to meet Frank Werth and visit a new production site. After that, I fly to Chicago to meet with our business partners.首先我要和我们的销售代表开会,之后我会去见弗兰克.沃思并且参观一个新的生产基地。之后,我飞往芝加哥去见我的商业伙伴。
B:Are you meeting with Jim Lewis?你要去见吉姆.刘易斯吗?
除了When are you leaving…之外,还可以用When do you leave…? When ar eyou going to leave…? When will you leave?
对话里常把les Angeles省略成LA。
英国英语里用meet, 而不是meet with.
M:Yes. I’m having lunch with him on the 26th 是的, 我们26号在一起吃午饭。
B:  Good. How many days will you be in Chicago?好的,你在芝加哥待多少天?
M:  I plan to be there for two days. 我打算在那待两天。
B:  Only two days? Will that be enough time? 只有两天?时间够吗?
M: I think so. I’ll be very busy, but I think two days will be enough.我觉得可以。我会非常忙,但是我想两天足够了。
B:  I have three appointments, and two days should be enough for all them.三次。两天时间足够进行三次会谈了。
M: No. I wasn’t planning to meet with him.不,我不打算见他。
B:  Well, I think it would be a good idea it you did.嗯,我认为你去见他好一点儿。
M: OK. I’ll call him and see if we can get together for lunch.好的,我会给他打电话看看他是否有时间和我一起吃午饭。
M: Maybe not. I have four appointments so far. That might not be enough time for all of them.
B: I don’t think it will be. I think you’re going to need one of two more days.
M:  I think you’re right. I’ll probably need more time to see that many people.我想你是对的。我可能需要更多的时间去见这见么多的人。
Talking about the Future of Business   谈论未来的业务
E=Executive主管 R=Reporter记者
R:How do you think compainies will change in the next decade?你认为今后的10年公司会变成什么样?
E:In the next decade? Well, for one thing. I think we’re going to see fewer and fewer small and medium-sized companies.
下个10年? 首先,我认为小型的中型的公司将会越来越少。
R:Really? What’s going to happen to the smaller companies? 真的吗?这些小型公司将会怎么样?
E:Well, some smaller companies will disappear altogether, but many of them will become parts of a few, very large, 'mega' companies. It’s already happening, as a matter of fact. Ten years from now, we’ll see far fewer smaller companies than we do today.
R:  What are some other ways companies will change over the next ten year5s?那10年后公司会有其他的变化吗?
E:Well, management styles are going to change.公司管理模式将会发生变化。
R:How are managers going to change? What’s going to be the management style of the future?
E:  Managers are going to give their staff more power and responsibility. And manager will communicate more. They’ll consuilt with more people. You know; ask more people for theirideas and opinions.


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:定冠词的特殊用法
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