Small Talk in Business Situations  商务场合的闲聊
E-mail Message  电子邮件
Date: 10/02
Dear Mrcormick
I would like to say how much I enjoyed chatting with you at the AFTD cocktail party in London last Thursday.I t was a pleasure
to meet you, and I very much appreciated your comments about our products.
As promised, I am sending some information about our newest line of cordless vacuum cleaners. Please contact me if you have
any questions or if you would like to see samples of our products.
Andrew Chang
Sales manager
The Right Word   相关的词汇
actually adv. 实际上       at least 至少      commute v. 通勤      dry  adj.  (酒)不甜的     
fine arts 美术          follow  n.听懂;领会   fruity  adj. 有果味的       museum  n. 博物馆
quite a lot 相当多       sort  n. 种类品种        specialty  n. (美)特产;名产      aweet  adj. 甜的
At an After-hours Cocktail party  下班后的鸡尾酒会
B= Bill Conners   A= Alison Rice  Y=Yang Wenjun
B: Alison, I’d like you to meet Yang.Yang, this is Alison Rice.艾莉森,我想介绍你认识杨。这位是艾莉森.莱斯。
A: Hello. How are you? 你好!
Y: How are you? Pleased to meet you.你好,很高兴认识你!
A: mr Yang, may I ask you where you are from?杨先生,我能问一下您是哪里人吗?
Y:Yes, of course. I’m fro China. From Beijing.当然可以,我来自中国,北京。
A: Oh, really? I hear there’s gret sking near there.真的吗?我听说在那附近有一个很棒的滑雪场。
Y:That’s night. We get a lot of cold weather.是的,我们那儿冷的时候多。
A:Speaking of weather, how do you like the weather here in San Francisco?到天气,你觉得旧金山的天气怎么样?
Y: I love it . Tell me ,do you live in San Francisco?我喜欢这儿的天气。你是住在旧金山吗?
A:Yes. I live near golden Gate Park. 是的,我住在金门公园附近。
Y: May I ask what you do?我能问一下你是做什么的吗?
A:I’m in advertising. I work downtown… Mr Yang, may I call you Wenjun?
我从事广告业。我在市中心工作……, 杨先生,我可以叫你文军吗?
Y: Yes,certainly. And may I call you Alison?当然可以。我可以叫你艾莉森吗?
A: yes, of course. So tell me, Wenjun, what brings, you to San Francisco?当然,那么,文军,你来旧金山做什么呢?
Y:I’m working with the Intermational Division of Minisoft.我在Minsoft的国际部工作。
A:No, I don’t . I live in San mateo. I commute to work.不,我住在圣马特奥。我乘车上下班。
Y:How long does it take?要花多长时间?
A: Not too long. It takes less than thirty minutes by car. 不是特别长,开车不到30分钟。
Y: That’s good. Listen, it’s been very nice talking to you, but I see someone must say hello to. Please excuse me.
A: Yes, of course. Nice meeting you! 好的, 很高兴见到你。
At a reswtaurant  在餐馆
A= American Manager 美国经理  J=Japanese guest日本客人
A:What ssssort of wine do you like, kenji?肯吉,你喜欢喝哪种酒?
J: I prefer white. 我喜欢白葡萄酒。
A: Sweet of dry?甜的还是干白?
J: Dry.干白。
A: Then let’s have the Chardonnay. It’s usually very good.我们喝霞多丽吧,那味道很好。
J: Do you come here often?你经常来这儿吗?
A:Well, yes. Quite a lot, actually. I usually come here at least two or three times a month.
J:Oh, then what do you recormmend? 那你有什么可以推荐?
A:Why don’t you try the boiled lobster? It’s a local specialty.为什么不试试煮龙虾皮呢?是当地的特色。
J: That sounds good. I’ll have the lobster then.听起来不错,那我就要龙虾吧。
A: Excellent! I’ll have the same. 好极了! 我也要一样的。
A:I understand this is your first visit to Boston.What do you think of it?
J:It’s very interesting.很有意思。
A:I hope you have time to visit the museum of Fine Arts.如果你有时间,我建议你去参观美术馆。
J:I’m planning to go there on Saturday.我计划星期六去。
A:Not very often, readlly, About three or four times a year.不,不是经常来。一年大概三四次。


Small Talk in Business Situations  商务场合的闲聊
E-mail Message  电子邮件
Date: 10/02
Dear Mrcormick
I would like to say how much I enjoyed chatting with you at the AFTD cocktail party in London last Thursday.I t was a pleasure
to meet you, and I very much appreciated your comments about our products.
As promised, I am sending some information about our newest line of cordless vacuum cleaners. Please contact me if you have
any questions or if you would like to see samples of our products.
Andrew Chang
Sales manager
The Right Word   相关的词汇
actually adv. 实际上       at least 至少      commute v. 通勤      dry  adj.  (酒)不甜的     
fine arts 美术          follow  n.听懂;领会   fruity  adj. 有果味的       museum  n. 博物馆
quite a lot 相当多       sort  n. 种类品种        specialty  n. (美)特产;名产      aweet  adj. 甜的
At an After-hours Cocktail party  下班后的鸡尾酒会
B= Bill Conners   A= Alison Rice  Y=Yang Wenjun
B: Alison, I’d like you to meet Yang.Yang, this is Alison Rice.艾莉森,我想介绍你认识杨。这位是艾莉森.莱斯。
A: Hello. How are you? 你好!
Y: How are you? Pleased to meet you.你好,很高兴认识你!
A: mr Yang, may I ask you where you are from?杨先生,我能问一下您是哪里人吗?
Y:Yes, of course. I’m fro China. From Beijing.当然可以,我来自中国,北京。
A: Oh, really? I hear there’s gret sking near there.真的吗?我听说在那附近有一个很棒的滑雪场。
Y:That’s night. We get a lot of cold weather.是的,我们那儿冷的时候多。
A:Speaking of weather, how do you like the weather here in San Francisco?到天气,你觉得旧金山的天气怎么样?
Y: I love it . Tell me ,do you live in San Francisco?我喜欢这儿的天气。你是住在旧金山吗?
A:Yes. I live near golden Gate Park. 是的,我住在金门公园附近。
Y: May I ask what you do?我能问一下你是做什么的吗?
A:I’m in advertising. I work downtown… Mr Yang, may I call you Wenjun?
我从事广告业。我在市中心工作……, 杨先生,我可以叫你文军吗?
Y: Yes,certainly. And may I call you Alison?当然可以。我可以叫你艾莉森吗?
A: yes, of course. So tell me, Wenjun, what brings, you to San Francisco?当然,那么,文军,你来旧金山做什么呢?
Y:I’m working with the Intermational Division of Minisoft.我在Minsoft的国际部工作。
A:No, I don’t . I live in San mateo. I commute to work.不,我住在圣马特奥。我乘车上下班。
Y:How long does it take?要花多长时间?
A: Not too long. It takes less than thirty minutes by car. 不是特别长,开车不到30分钟。
Y: That’s good. Listen, it’s been very nice talking to you, but I see someone must say hello to. Please excuse me.
A: Yes, of course. Nice meeting you! 好的, 很高兴见到你。
At a reswtaurant  在餐馆
A= American Manager 美国经理  J=Japanese guest日本客人
A:What ssssort of wine do you like, kenji?肯吉,你喜欢喝哪种酒?
J: I prefer white. 我喜欢白葡萄酒。
A: Sweet of dry?甜的还是干白?
J: Dry.干白。
A: Then let’s have the Chardonnay. It’s usually very good.我们喝霞多丽吧,那味道很好。
J: Do you come here often?你经常来这儿吗?
A:Well, yes. Quite a lot, actually. I usually come here at least two or three times a month.
J:Oh, then what do you recormmend? 那你有什么可以推荐?
A:Why don’t you try the boiled lobster? It’s a local specialty.为什么不试试煮龙虾皮呢?是当地的特色。
J: That sounds good. I’ll have the lobster then.听起来不错,那我就要龙虾吧。
A: Excellent! I’ll have the same. 好极了! 我也要一样的。
A:I understand this is your first visit to Boston.What do you think of it?
J:It’s very interesting.很有意思。
A:I hope you have time to visit the museum of Fine Arts.如果你有时间,我建议你去参观美术馆。
J:I’m planning to go there on Saturday.我计划星期六去。
A:Not very often, readlly, About three or four times a year.不,不是经常来。一年大概三四次。


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