Letters of Thanks 感谢信
1)  对对方给予的款待、礼物或帮助表示感谢;
2)  用简洁的语言赞赏对方提供的帮助所起到的作用,或所收到的礼品的可爱及其用途;
3)  表示将来有望回报或继续合作等;
4)  再次表示感谢。
Sample 1  A Thank-you Letter for a Beautiful Gift

                                                          Dec. 6,2004
Dear Aunt Mary,
   Thank you very much for the beautiful watch. What a nice Christmas present it is! I have been longing for such a watch for a long time. However, I didn’t get it anywhere.
   Thank you ever so much, dear Aunt Mary. I’ll keep the watch with me forever. And whenever I see this beautiful watch, I would certainly think of you with gratitude and affection. It will also reminded me of your teaching and I’ll learn to cherish my precious youth time.
   Again, my heartfelt thanks and best wishes to you.
Lovingly yours,

Sample 2   A Thank-you Letter for a Dinner Party

                                                            Oct. 15,2003
Dear Mr. Song,
   Thank you for your inviting me and some of me colleagues to dine with you last night. It was an enjoyable occasion and an excellent dinner.
   As you know, we value our long-established relationship with your university, and with the Foreign Languages Department in particular, and look forward to doing more academic research projects with you and to many future years of increased cooperation.
Yours sincerely,

Sample 3 A Thank-you Letter for a Timely Help

Dear Prof. Wang,
   I’ve just got the good news that I have passed the entrance examination for a post-graduate program with satisfactory result. I’m going to Beijing University of Technology for the interview. I feel so excited about it.
   You have offered me great help all the time. But for your kind encouragement, I would never have achieved such a success. My gratitude to you is beyond words. My parents join me in giving you our heartfelt thanks.
With respect,
Yours sincerely,
Lu Shiqi

Sample 1


Sample 2


Sample 3

                                                      陆世齐   敬上

Useful expressions:
Ø         Many thanks for your kind invitation.  谢谢你好意的邀请。
Ø         It’s very kind of you to have us over.   谢谢你邀请我们过去。
Ø         Thanks a lot for your nice present.     谢谢你精美的礼物。
Ø         Thank you ever so much for your warm wishes/greetings/compliments. 非常感谢你温馨的祝福/问候/祝贺。
Ø         We are indebted to you for your help. 对于你们的帮助,我们表示深深的谢意。
Ø         I like…very much you sent me on my birthday. 我非常喜欢你在我生日那天送我的…
Ø         You are a genius at selecting the right gift.  你真会挑礼物.
Ø         I deeply/really appreciate your hospitality.  我由衷地感激您的款待.
Ø         Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. 再次由衷地表示谢意.
Ø         I will remember your kindness with gratitude. 我将用语带着感激之情记着你的好意.
Practice 1
Practice 2
  Words for reference: 感激 grateful; 难忘 unforgettable; 答谢 reciprocate
Practice 1

Dear Kate,
   Thank you very much for the English-Chinese dictionary you sent me yesterday. It’s always so considerate and thoughtful of you to give love and concern to me. As you know, I’ve been needing and wanting a dictionary like that for a long time. I’ll take an advanced English course during the vacation, and I am saving everything I earn for this expensive new edition. Dear Kate, your gift comes on time and in time. I will think of you with affection and gratitude.

Practice 2

                                                             May 10, 2004
Dear Mrs. Green,
I was so grateful to you and Mr. Green for your kindness and attention to me during my stay in New York. It seemed as if I were your own son. It was unforgettable.
You told me that you would come to China recently. I do hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating when you are in Dalian.
I am expecting to see you both as soon as possible.
                                                     Sincerely yours,
                                                       Zhang Yu



Letters of Thanks 感谢信
1)  对对方给予的款待、礼物或帮助表示感谢;
2)  用简洁的语言赞赏对方提供的帮助所起到的作用,或所收到的礼品的可爱及其用途;
3)  表示将来有望回报或继续合作等;
4)  再次表示感谢。
Sample 1  A Thank-you Letter for a Beautiful Gift

                                                          Dec. 6,2004
Dear Aunt Mary,
   Thank you very much for the beautiful watch. What a nice Christmas present it is! I have been longing for such a watch for a long time. However, I didn’t get it anywhere.
   Thank you ever so much, dear Aunt Mary. I’ll keep the watch with me forever. And whenever I see this beautiful watch, I would certainly think of you with gratitude and affection. It will also reminded me of your teaching and I’ll learn to cherish my precious youth time.
   Again, my heartfelt thanks and best wishes to you.
Lovingly yours,

Sample 2   A Thank-you Letter for a Dinner Party

                                                            Oct. 15,2003
Dear Mr. Song,
   Thank you for your inviting me and some of me colleagues to dine with you last night. It was an enjoyable occasion and an excellent dinner.
   As you know, we value our long-established relationship with your university, and with the Foreign Languages Department in particular, and look forward to doing more academic research projects with you and to many future years of increased cooperation.
Yours sincerely,

Sample 3 A Thank-you Letter for a Timely Help

Dear Prof. Wang,
   I’ve just got the good news that I have passed the entrance examination for a post-graduate program with satisfactory result. I’m going to Beijing University of Technology for the interview. I feel so excited about it.
   You have offered me great help all the time. But for your kind encouragement, I would never have achieved such a success. My gratitude to you is beyond words. My parents join me in giving you our heartfelt thanks.
With respect,
Yours sincerely,
Lu Shiqi

Sample 1


Sample 2


Sample 3

                                                      陆世齐   敬上

Useful expressions:
Ø         Many thanks for your kind invitation.  谢谢你好意的邀请。
Ø         It’s very kind of you to have us over.   谢谢你邀请我们过去。
Ø         Thanks a lot for your nice present.     谢谢你精美的礼物。
Ø         Thank you ever so much for your warm wishes/greetings/compliments. 非常感谢你温馨的祝福/问候/祝贺。
Ø         We are indebted to you for your help. 对于你们的帮助,我们表示深深的谢意。
Ø         I like…very much you sent me on my birthday. 我非常喜欢你在我生日那天送我的…
Ø         You are a genius at selecting the right gift.  你真会挑礼物.
Ø         I deeply/really appreciate your hospitality.  我由衷地感激您的款待.
Ø         Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. 再次由衷地表示谢意.
Ø         I will remember your kindness with gratitude. 我将用语带着感激之情记着你的好意.
Practice 1
Practice 2
  Words for reference: 感激 grateful; 难忘 unforgettable; 答谢 reciprocate
Practice 1

Dear Kate,
   Thank you very much for the English-Chinese dictionary you sent me yesterday. It’s always so considerate and thoughtful of you to give love and concern to me. As you know, I’ve been needing and wanting a dictionary like that for a long time. I’ll take an advanced English course during the vacation, and I am saving everything I earn for this expensive new edition. Dear Kate, your gift comes on time and in time. I will think of you with affection and gratitude.

Practice 2

                                                             May 10, 2004
Dear Mrs. Green,
I was so grateful to you and Mr. Green for your kindness and attention to me during my stay in New York. It seemed as if I were your own son. It was unforgettable.
You told me that you would come to China recently. I do hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating when you are in Dalian.
I am expecting to see you both as soon as possible.
                                                     Sincerely yours,
                                                       Zhang Yu



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