Politeness & Emphasis  礼貌和强调用语
今天我们暂时不看Jack, Jenny 以及Paula的故事。下面两页每一页里面有两段对话,内容一样,其中一个是一般的表达,另一个是比较礼貌的用法。
Visitor        Hello.
Receptionist   Hello. Who do you want to speak to?
Visitor        Speak slowly. My English is not very good.
Receptionist   Oh, I see. Who do you want to speak to?
Visitor        Mrs Davis.
Receptionist   She’s out.
Visitor        I don’t understand.
Receptionist   She’s out. She’s not here.
Visitor       Oh. Is Mr Brown in?
Receptionist   One moment. Sit there.
Visitor        Do you mind if I smoke?
Receptionist   Yes, I do mind. What’s your name?
Visitor        Mendis.
Receptionist   Mr Brown?
Mr.Brown     Yes, Jane?
Receptionist   There’s a man to see you. Mr Mendis.
Mr.Brown     Send him in.
Visitor      Good morning.
Receptionist  Good morning. Who would you like to speak to?   
Visitor       Could you speak slowly, please? My English is not very good.
Receptionist   Oh, I see. Who would you like to speak to?
Visitor        Mrs Davis.
Receptionist    I’m afraid she’s out.
Visitor        Sorry, I don’t quite understand.
Receptionist    I’m afraid she’s out. She’s not here.
Visitor         Oh,. Is mr Brown in?
Receptionist    Could you wait just one moment? Please take a seat.
Visitor         Do you mind if I smoke?
Receptionist    I’d rather you didn’t. What was the name?
Visitor         Mendis.
Receptionist    Mr.brown?
Mr Brown      Yes, Jane?
Receptionist    There’s a gentleman to see you. Mr mendis.
Mr Brown      Thank you, Jane. Please show him in.
Woman  I don’t like people who smoke in restaurants.
Man    Nor do I.
Woman  I think smokine in restaurants should be illegal.
Man     I agree. You’re right.
Woman  You agree with me?
Man     Yes, I do.
Woman  You think it should be illgal?
Man     Yes.
Woman  I smoked my last cigarette in this restaurant, you know.
Man     Did you?
Woman  Yes, here in this restaurant. There years ago.
Man     Have you felt healthier since you stopped smoking?
Woman  Yes, much healthier.
Woman   Ican’t stand people who smoke in restaurants.
Man     Nor can I.
Woman   I really think smoking in restaurants should be illegal.
Man     I quite agree. You’re absolutely right .
Woman   You agree with me?
Man     Yes, I certainly do.
Woman   You think it should be illegal?
Man     Yes, definitely.
Woman   I smoked my very last cigarette in this restaurant, you know.
Man   * Did you really?
Woman   Yes, right here in the very restaurant. Exactly three years ago.
Man     Have you felt healthier since you stopped smoking?
Woman   Yes, much,much healthier.
*illegal  adj.不合法的,非法的     *healthy  adj.健康的


Politeness & Emphasis  礼貌和强调用语
今天我们暂时不看Jack, Jenny 以及Paula的故事。下面两页每一页里面有两段对话,内容一样,其中一个是一般的表达,另一个是比较礼貌的用法。
Visitor        Hello.
Receptionist   Hello. Who do you want to speak to?
Visitor        Speak slowly. My English is not very good.
Receptionist   Oh, I see. Who do you want to speak to?
Visitor        Mrs Davis.
Receptionist   She’s out.
Visitor        I don’t understand.
Receptionist   She’s out. She’s not here.
Visitor       Oh. Is Mr Brown in?
Receptionist   One moment. Sit there.
Visitor        Do you mind if I smoke?
Receptionist   Yes, I do mind. What’s your name?
Visitor        Mendis.
Receptionist   Mr Brown?
Mr.Brown     Yes, Jane?
Receptionist   There’s a man to see you. Mr Mendis.
Mr.Brown     Send him in.
Visitor      Good morning.
Receptionist  Good morning. Who would you like to speak to?   
Visitor       Could you speak slowly, please? My English is not very good.
Receptionist   Oh, I see. Who would you like to speak to?
Visitor        Mrs Davis.
Receptionist    I’m afraid she’s out.
Visitor        Sorry, I don’t quite understand.
Receptionist    I’m afraid she’s out. She’s not here.
Visitor         Oh,. Is mr Brown in?
Receptionist    Could you wait just one moment? Please take a seat.
Visitor         Do you mind if I smoke?
Receptionist    I’d rather you didn’t. What was the name?
Visitor         Mendis.
Receptionist    Mr.brown?
Mr Brown      Yes, Jane?
Receptionist    There’s a gentleman to see you. Mr mendis.
Mr Brown      Thank you, Jane. Please show him in.
Woman  I don’t like people who smoke in restaurants.
Man    Nor do I.
Woman  I think smokine in restaurants should be illegal.
Man     I agree. You’re right.
Woman  You agree with me?
Man     Yes, I do.
Woman  You think it should be illgal?
Man     Yes.
Woman  I smoked my last cigarette in this restaurant, you know.
Man     Did you?
Woman  Yes, here in this restaurant. There years ago.
Man     Have you felt healthier since you stopped smoking?
Woman  Yes, much healthier.
Woman   Ican’t stand people who smoke in restaurants.
Man     Nor can I.
Woman   I really think smoking in restaurants should be illegal.
Man     I quite agree. You’re absolutely right .
Woman   You agree with me?
Man     Yes, I certainly do.
Woman   You think it should be illegal?
Man     Yes, definitely.
Woman   I smoked my very last cigarette in this restaurant, you know.
Man   * Did you really?
Woman   Yes, right here in the very restaurant. Exactly three years ago.
Man     Have you felt healthier since you stopped smoking?
Woman   Yes, much,much healthier.
*illegal  adj.不合法的,非法的     *healthy  adj.健康的


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:英语强调句的用法
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