

All at sea 不知所措,迷惑不解,茫无头绪
【例】 he is all at sea as to what to do next.他惘然若失,不知下一步该怎么做。
All hands to the pumps 大家都来帮忙;人人动手
【例】 they’ll need all hands to the pumps if the situation is to be saved. 他们要想挽救这个局面,必须人人动手。
All is grist that comes to one’s mill到他磨里之物都成粉;善于利用一切机会
【例】he succeeds in making profitable use of everything that comes his way as the proverb goes: “ all is grist that comes to his mill.”他之成功乃善于利用他所能利用的一切事物。正如谚语所说:“到他磨里之物都成粉。”
All my eye 鬼话连篇,胡说八道,瞎扯
这条成语已有三百多年历史,原指不是出于内心的眼泪,后来又出现较长的形式all my eye and Betty Martin.十八世纪的幽默作家乔。米勒写过一个有趣的故事,说有一个英国水手到一个外国教堂做礼拜,听到有人祈祷说:“O grant me aid, blessed St. Martin!”他跟着祷告,听起来好像在说:”all my eye and Betty Martin!”这简直是瞎扯。
【例】that story is all my eye.那故事时胡说八道。
All one’s geese are swans 言过其实
【例】he always likes to say something as if all geese are swans.他谈论问题时总是乐于言过其实。
All the rage 不胫而走,风靡一时
【例】this song was all the rage then.这首歌当时风靡一时。
All things to all men 尽力设法讨好所有的人;八面玲珑
源出《圣经。哥林多前书》第九章第二十二节:“向什么人,我就作什么人。”(I am made all things to all men.)
[例]being a man of the world ,he is all things to all men.他老于世故,八面玲珑。
Alpha and omega 始终,全部
这是希腊字母表上首尾两个字母,相等于first and last 和beginning and end.此语有时也用来指上帝,见《圣经。启示录》第二十二章第十三节:“我是阿拉法,我是俄梅嘎,我是首先的,也是末后的;我是始,也是终。(I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.)
[例]the alpha and omega of my heart’s broke involuntarily from my lips, in the words—“Jane! Jane! Jane!”我内心的全部愿望,不由己地从我唇上用这样话发出:“简!简!简!”



All at sea 不知所措,迷惑不解,茫无头绪
【例】 he is all at sea as to what to do next.他惘然若失,不知下一步该怎么做。
All hands to the pumps 大家都来帮忙;人人动手
【例】 they’ll need all hands to the pumps if the situation is to be saved. 他们要想挽救这个局面,必须人人动手。
All is grist that comes to one’s mill到他磨里之物都成粉;善于利用一切机会
【例】he succeeds in making profitable use of everything that comes his way as the proverb goes: “ all is grist that comes to his mill.”他之成功乃善于利用他所能利用的一切事物。正如谚语所说:“到他磨里之物都成粉。”
All my eye 鬼话连篇,胡说八道,瞎扯
这条成语已有三百多年历史,原指不是出于内心的眼泪,后来又出现较长的形式all my eye and Betty Martin.十八世纪的幽默作家乔。米勒写过一个有趣的故事,说有一个英国水手到一个外国教堂做礼拜,听到有人祈祷说:“O grant me aid, blessed St. Martin!”他跟着祷告,听起来好像在说:”all my eye and Betty Martin!”这简直是瞎扯。
【例】that story is all my eye.那故事时胡说八道。
All one’s geese are swans 言过其实
【例】he always likes to say something as if all geese are swans.他谈论问题时总是乐于言过其实。
All the rage 不胫而走,风靡一时
【例】this song was all the rage then.这首歌当时风靡一时。
All things to all men 尽力设法讨好所有的人;八面玲珑
源出《圣经。哥林多前书》第九章第二十二节:“向什么人,我就作什么人。”(I am made all things to all men.)
[例]being a man of the world ,he is all things to all men.他老于世故,八面玲珑。
Alpha and omega 始终,全部
这是希腊字母表上首尾两个字母,相等于first and last 和beginning and end.此语有时也用来指上帝,见《圣经。启示录》第二十二章第十三节:“我是阿拉法,我是俄梅嘎,我是首先的,也是末后的;我是始,也是终。(I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.)
[例]the alpha and omega of my heart’s broke involuntarily from my lips, in the words—“Jane! Jane! Jane!”我内心的全部愿望,不由己地从我唇上用这样话发出:“简!简!简!”


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:英语成语大系列之二
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