 Delegating and Allocating tasks  委托和分派工作
Memo Making requests  请求他人帮忙的便条

To:      Dora Mendez
From:    Ed Norton
Date:     November 8,2006
Subject:   Meeting with sales team
My travel plans have changed. I won’t be able to get to San Diego until next Wednesday.
Would you please change the meeting with the sales team from Tuesday to Wednesday?
You’ll need to change the reservation for the meeting room as well. Also, I think we ought
to have some refreshments at the meeting. Could you look into this and give me some idea
of what if will cost to have coffee, tea, soft drinks and sandwiches available at the meeting?
If you call John Lenz, he should be able to tell you how many people are expected to attend
the meeting.
Thanks for taking care of this.

The Right Word  相关的词汇

allocate  v. 分配             audience  n. 观众         audiovisual(AV)       adj.视听的        get to 到达    

handout  n.传单;印刷品      introduction  n.介绍       liquid-crystal display  液晶显示    (LCD)

look into e深入地检查;研究;调查      note  n. 摘要      projector  n.投影仪       pronto  adv.很快地;急速地       put together 组合;准备       refreshments  n. 茶点;便餐     see  v. 会见;访问     see to照料   
soft drink软饮料       take care of负责       task n. 任务;工作      tentative  adj.暂定的     
write up起草
Delegating Tasks  指派任务
R=Ron  S=Sally
R: Sally, Tom Unger is coming next week, and I’d like you to organize his visit.
S: OK. I’ll call Liz Henly right away and find out if we need to reserve a hotel room. I’ll also take care of Mr. Unger’s travel arrangements.好的,我立刻给利兹.亨莱打电话,年年是否需要预订一个宾馆房间。我会负责安排加尔先生的旅程。
R: Good, and be sure to offer to meet him at the airport.好的,别忘了到机场接他。
S:No problem.没问题。
R: Great, and we need to know what time he’ll be leaving on Friday.好极了,我要知道他星期五离开的时间。
S: I’ll find out and I’ll reserve a room for him at the regency Hotel, if he needs one.
R:Good. Oh, and just one more thing. What about the visit schedule? Will you ask Vickie to do that?
S:Sure. I’ll ask her to put together a tentative schedule by the end of this week.
R: Thanks, Sally. Let\s talk about this again on Friday.谢谢你,萨利。我们周五再讨论一次。
S: Yes, of course.好的。
S:Normally, I would ask Vickie to do it, but she’s on vacation this week.
R: Oh, I forgot about that. Well, maybe Will can take care of the schedule. He’s good at organizing things.
S: Sure. I’ll ask him to get to it pronto.当然,我叫他尽快做出来。
Allocating Tasks  分配任务
B=Bess, A=Alex
B: Alex, is everything ready for the presentation next week? Have we reserved meeting room yet?
A:Yes, I reserved the room yesterday. It’s in a great location, right across from elevator.
B: That’s good. And what about the AV equipment?好极了,那么音像设备准备好了吗?
A: I’ve ordered an LCD projector and a screen. What should we do about handouts? Will you get them printed out and photocopied, or should I do that?
B: Oh, I can take care of the handouts.哦,我来负责会议材料。
A:Good. Now what about Clive Johnson? Do you want to be the one to introduce him?
B:Hmm, Well, if you want me to, I’ll introduce him to the audience.嗯……好的。如果你想让我介绍,我就向观众介绍他。
A: That would be great.那太好了。
B:OK. I’ll write up a short introduction.好,我写一个简短的介绍。
A:No, I haven’t had a chance to call about the room. Could you take care of that?
B:OK, I’ll do it today.好的,我今天就预订。


 Delegating and Allocating tasks  委托和分派工作
Memo Making requests  请求他人帮忙的便条

To:      Dora Mendez
From:    Ed Norton
Date:     November 8,2006
Subject:   Meeting with sales team
My travel plans have changed. I won’t be able to get to San Diego until next Wednesday.
Would you please change the meeting with the sales team from Tuesday to Wednesday?
You’ll need to change the reservation for the meeting room as well. Also, I think we ought
to have some refreshments at the meeting. Could you look into this and give me some idea
of what if will cost to have coffee, tea, soft drinks and sandwiches available at the meeting?
If you call John Lenz, he should be able to tell you how many people are expected to attend
the meeting.
Thanks for taking care of this.

The Right Word  相关的词汇

allocate  v. 分配             audience  n. 观众         audiovisual(AV)       adj.视听的        get to 到达    

handout  n.传单;印刷品      introduction  n.介绍       liquid-crystal display  液晶显示    (LCD)

look into e深入地检查;研究;调查      note  n. 摘要      projector  n.投影仪       pronto  adv.很快地;急速地       put together 组合;准备       refreshments  n. 茶点;便餐     see  v. 会见;访问     see to照料   
soft drink软饮料       take care of负责       task n. 任务;工作      tentative  adj.暂定的     
write up起草
Delegating Tasks  指派任务
R=Ron  S=Sally
R: Sally, Tom Unger is coming next week, and I’d like you to organize his visit.
S: OK. I’ll call Liz Henly right away and find out if we need to reserve a hotel room. I’ll also take care of Mr. Unger’s travel arrangements.好的,我立刻给利兹.亨莱打电话,年年是否需要预订一个宾馆房间。我会负责安排加尔先生的旅程。
R: Good, and be sure to offer to meet him at the airport.好的,别忘了到机场接他。
S:No problem.没问题。
R: Great, and we need to know what time he’ll be leaving on Friday.好极了,我要知道他星期五离开的时间。
S: I’ll find out and I’ll reserve a room for him at the regency Hotel, if he needs one.
R:Good. Oh, and just one more thing. What about the visit schedule? Will you ask Vickie to do that?
S:Sure. I’ll ask her to put together a tentative schedule by the end of this week.
R: Thanks, Sally. Let\s talk about this again on Friday.谢谢你,萨利。我们周五再讨论一次。
S: Yes, of course.好的。
S:Normally, I would ask Vickie to do it, but she’s on vacation this week.
R: Oh, I forgot about that. Well, maybe Will can take care of the schedule. He’s good at organizing things.
S: Sure. I’ll ask him to get to it pronto.当然,我叫他尽快做出来。
Allocating Tasks  分配任务
B=Bess, A=Alex
B: Alex, is everything ready for the presentation next week? Have we reserved meeting room yet?
A:Yes, I reserved the room yesterday. It’s in a great location, right across from elevator.
B: That’s good. And what about the AV equipment?好极了,那么音像设备准备好了吗?
A: I’ve ordered an LCD projector and a screen. What should we do about handouts? Will you get them printed out and photocopied, or should I do that?
B: Oh, I can take care of the handouts.哦,我来负责会议材料。
A:Good. Now what about Clive Johnson? Do you want to be the one to introduce him?
B:Hmm, Well, if you want me to, I’ll introduce him to the audience.嗯……好的。如果你想让我介绍,我就向观众介绍他。
A: That would be great.那太好了。
B:OK. I’ll write up a short introduction.好,我写一个简短的介绍。
A:No, I haven’t had a chance to call about the room. Could you take care of that?
B:OK, I’ll do it today.好的,我今天就预订。


上一篇:工作旅游口语必备 下一篇:如何礼貌用英语表达
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